Full kits are ready to ship! "thumbsup"
How much and where do I PayPal the money
Any full kits available? How much extra for international postage?
What exactly is the benefit of these?
Eternal life, immense wealth, and scores of hot chicks will want to serve your every whim.
If that isn't enough, it lets you adjust the suspension geometry for more forward bite and less torque twist. Great for hill climbing, crawling, whatever. The Wraith works pretty well out of the box, these make it better. They aren't just blingy bits to make it pretty.
What exactly is the benefit of these?
Ooh I need some of those.... My Wraith has horrible torque twist!
I'm interested in a Half Kit shipped within the US.. PM me the details please.
Wraith Risers are back in stock at SuperShafty. "thumbsup"
Wraith 4 Link Skid Risers - Super Shafty
Pm sent. "thumbsup"