k goodrich
Rock Crawler
Nobody in my area wants to do comps, the closest place is over three hrs away. At some point i would like to go to one and watch the super class and see what a well tuned super can do.
I have comp with you and your right, your with a good group of people just stick with it and you'll do good.Being a newb to the comp scene I thought I might offer some perspective, and things I've learned in the last three months of some comping. First, it's addictive especially if you enjoy a challenge. Second it's kinda on the individual to stretch out introduce yourself and start asking questions, as I've gotten to know folks they have been more willing to help, and spot me throughout courses, and even with them telling me everything they still wiped the floor with my deadn carcass. I've come to learn that driving time has to be put in to improve skill.
I'm not the most outgoing guy in a crowd of people I don't know, but the more time I put in the easier it gets. This expansion helped me land a spot in BYBRCC which has been awesome and a huge help, we drive together at least once a week, and yes I realize I'm super lucky to have found a group like this, especially of this caliber, but every group has to start somewhere. I hope everyone he best of luck in finding or creating a club they can call home.
Being a newb to the comp scene I thought I might offer some perspective, and things I've learned in the last three months of some comping. First, it's addictive especially if you enjoy a challenge. Second it's kinda on the individual to stretch out introduce yourself and start asking questions, as I've gotten to know folks they have been more willing to help, and spot me throughout courses, and even with them telling me everything they still wiped the floor with my deadn carcass. I've come to learn that driving time has to be put in to improve skill.
I have a few reasons...
1) the place that does Comps is 40mins away.
2) I work random schedule, (I am a nurse at a local hospital)
3) I have a son that would want to go also this means two trucks to keep in good shape,AKA broken parts/ new tech.
4) My wife is in school and works time in limited to be a family.
5) related to 2) I looked at the way they run their schedule seems to be a point based system. only can miss a single week.
6) I promised not to let RC cost more than the mortgage a month LOL
I have a few others....Mind you 6 is a joke but to stay top notch, it can get close fast... saw it with stadium trucks and F1 road course back in the day.
No "fun runs" allowed.