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Which Tekin servo?


Jan 31, 2017
SC Mtns
So the T-440, T-360 and T-300 all are the same size and cost. Why would you get anything but the T-440? About to pull the trigger for my SCX 10 ii.

So the T-440, T-360 and T-300 all are the same size and cost. Why would you get anything but the T-440? About to pull the trigger for my SCX 10 ii.


The less torquey ones are faster. For a SCX10 ii I'd go with the T-440 if I were choosing a Tekin servo.
The T440 is best suited for crawlers but if torque is what you are after, skip the Tekin and get a Savox 2290. If you are dead set on the Tekin, dont waste your time running it at anything other than 8.4V. At 7.4 or below the Tekin is not even close to the 2290 in speed or torque. Really, at 7.4v and below my Hitec 7955s seem stronger and faster than the Tekin T440 at the same voltage.

I do admit the Tekin is noticeably quieter and smoother than the Savox or Hitec servos that I have used plus it is waterproof from the factory.
Ahh....speed was the component I was missing in differentiating the models. Considering torque is king, going big.......appreciate the help! "thumbsup"
I run the T-360 in my scalers and T-440 in the Bomber. Both have more than enough real torque and I'm running them at 7.4V. "thumbsup"
I was curious when I saw these as well. I'm just finishing my build and already have a servo but I have a twin hammer V2 I just picked up and I'm in the process of building a solid axle MT and I'm thinking of trying one in the MT.
How does the T-440 compare to the Holmes Hobbies SHV500? I’m looking for a quiet servo. I’m curious what the dead band setting is. I emailed Tekin support but of course never heard back. I hope that the dead band is set wide or is adjustable which is such a cool feature. I can’t find that spec/info anywhere? I use Holmes Hobbies servos usually because they’re so quiet, used to run Savox but got annoyed with the constant noise as the servos fight to remain perfectly centered even under really light use which isn’t really necessary for a crawler. The Holmes Hobbies servos are just so quiet!! But for my son’s rig I want a regular on/off switch so I think I might go the Tekin route and the torque appears to be higher at 7.4v. What do you guys think? I wish manufacturers would create videos to highlight the features of their products and not just shoot lame ass basher videos!! Didn’t mean to rant sorry, too much coffee already this morning haha! Btw I used to used Tekin gear back in the 80’s and 90’s in my race cars and never had a failure!
I'm sure the Tekin has the adjustability you are looking for. Can't comment on the noise, haven't heard one.

I would choose the 360 for a 1.9 rig and the 440 for a 2.2 rig.
Thanks John, appreciate the comments! Any idea when your servos will be back in stock? Really love all of your gear btw and you guys have always been great with answering my questions!

I heard back from Randy at Tekin! Good news! Read below. Looking forward to seeing the user guide. Anyway sounds like they will be great servos for crawlers. Pricey though at $169 plus $67 for the Hotwire...

"The 440 and none of the tekin servos have the traditional "buzz" you're talking about. Don't get me wrong the servo will "work" if it's trying to center or come to a requested point by the radio system. But the "buzz" doesn't occur.
We haven't released a "manual" at this time. We are nearly done with our user guide which is likely what you're interested in.* Dead band isn't adjusted in the sense you may consider. We have "profiles" of correction levels. In other words how aggressively the servo corrects deflection.
Thanks John! Just grabbed a HV500v2, great price, great servo. I'll try a Tekin servo later on another rig, as this one is for my son. Really interested to try the adjustments they offer.