Yes, that I can help with ;-)
I'm assuming that you want to run two groups of lights and want to be able to run either set or both...
Do you have a free (unused) three-position channel?
If yes, this part is kind of a nice way to go:
From that page:
This is how it works. The channel three control normally sits in the center position. Toggle it to the left to work circuit number one, toggle it right to work circuit number two. Each time you toggle a circuit, it flips from off to on, or vice versa.
If you are running 12 volt lights, I can build it so that it takes power from your battery (that's assuming that you are running a 3S pack).
This controller is also an option:
This one will turn on one set of lights, then also turn on the second set if you choose to do so. Again, it requires a three-position channel.
If you still want the above functions, but only have a two-position channel, then use this:
I invite you to move this discussion over to email if you want to continue as it is a little easier for me to provide links and pictures, but it is up to you.
My email: