Lake Orion
Got a decent trail along the river down by the tridge. There's a nice hiking trail that's raised up along the river and runs along the frisby golf course. Trail has a bunch of little steep trails of the side and is easy acess and a good time. If ever in the area on the weekend let me know. Going to look into a few more spots also soon here. Always interested in meeting new people that share the hobby. Was directed to fumey or anyone else in the area=)
If the river isn't too high, there are a couple places out at Immerman park on Midland rd. If you go in the main part entrance, towards the back part of the park, there is parking lot on your right, has some nice rocks along the river for straight rock crawling, and can also get to some nice trails through the woods, with lots of trees to crawl and the occasional bit of mud.
While down in frankenmuth for the autofest this fall we stopped at crossroads hobby, that course looks wild! We went home and started looking into rc wheeling rigs. My kid got a vaterra k5 for xmas, 3 weeks later I bought a vaterra k10 for myself! My wife has even been using mine, in a few more weeks she's getting a vat tera 72 bronco, (she's mad at me for selling my full scale 70 bronco wheeler)Get over and check out Tri City Crawlers on Facebook. We just built a massive indoor course at Crossroads hobby in Frankenmuth.
While down in frankenmuth for the autofest this fall we stopped at crossroads hobby, that course looks wild! We went home and started looking into rc wheeling rigs. My kid got a vaterra k5 for xmas, 3 weeks later I bought a vaterra k10 for myself! My wife has even been using mine, in a few more weeks she's getting a vat tera 72 bronco, (she's mad at me for selling my full scale 70 bronco wheeler)
We are hooked! My kid keeps asking if we can bring the rigs down and run the course at crossroads hobby when we come down for the 2017 autofest.