RCC Addict
okay i am gonna attempt to do a build thread . i ended up getting my creeper from one of the guys in my local crawler group , it was completely stock ( didn't come with a body ) . i was told early on that the factory tires were not well suited to alot of crawling , so i replaced them first with losi claws then with white dot rovers ( great tire ). as far electronics go i had a tazer 15t speedo and an integy 55 turn motor , and a tower pro servo ( my setup needed some help). i tried my hand at crawling with this setup ( not very good ) so i decided after talking to one of my friends that i was going to go lipo so i needed to get new electronics , thought i would go brushless so i bought a quark speed control 9 after reading about them on rcc) and an outrunner motor and went to an 11.1v lipo . this new setup worked pretty well massive torque and decent wheelspeed , so i moved my attention to the rest of the creeper . I started reading alot of the builds in the creeper section , found alot of good info and advice so i started looking at what the people were doing , link setups shocks bodies everything . first thing i did was get a new body ( stage killah ) then i inverted my shocks , and made a bta steering setup well it was going better on the courses but still not great ( bad tt) . i ran across rmdesignworks thread and started following his work , at the same time i was looking around for a different chassis or at least the side plates ( still haven't found one that i want ). well two comps ago i rolled my truck and somehow fried my speedcontroller ( first time i have seen sparks fly out from under a r/c car ) so time for new speedo and motor , got a good deal on a brand new sidewinder and ccbec ( much better setup than the brushless one ) . okay here are some early pics