I just got into this hobby a couple months ago. Bought a Slash 4x4 and had a blast. Decided I wanted to add a crawler and try to make a realistic looking build.
Bought a TRX4 and the CChand Range Rover classic hard body kit with interior.
Started off by doing some initial fitment and painting. The body looked great all shiny and new. I then thought, hey, this is a classic it should be used and abused so decided to try my hand at weathering. Checked out a few videos on line for techniques and started in.
It's nor perfect but hey, it's my first try at this weathering stuff and I'm fairly happy with it. I made a few mistakes but learned a lot about the procedures so maybe the next one will be a bit better.
I put some SSD portal covers on there for extra, down low weight as all the bumpers, guards and racks are metal and kinda top heavy.
Once I got the body somewhat ready I started looking at how to mount it. I didn't want to hard mount it as it kind of a pain to get apart for battery changes, maintenance, etc. so I got some magnetic mounts and toyed around with how to mount them. No pics of that yet but will add some later.
I didn't get many photos along way...hadn't thought that far ahead but here is the almost complete Rover.
Added some rock chips with a nail.
Still need to fab up some kind of platform for the interior as what comes with the kit is really flimsy.
Oh, there's a magnetic mount hiding in there, behind the mud flap and in front of the blue ESC. Flipped the mag mount upside down and drilled a hole in the chassis then screwed it down. The upper mount is clipped to the inside of the body. Had to trim up the TRX fender wells to allow easy on/off attachment. Will get better pics later.
Also added the light kit. Still have a little work to do on this. Here' a quick video.
Thanks for looking!
Bought a TRX4 and the CChand Range Rover classic hard body kit with interior.
Started off by doing some initial fitment and painting. The body looked great all shiny and new. I then thought, hey, this is a classic it should be used and abused so decided to try my hand at weathering. Checked out a few videos on line for techniques and started in.
It's nor perfect but hey, it's my first try at this weathering stuff and I'm fairly happy with it. I made a few mistakes but learned a lot about the procedures so maybe the next one will be a bit better.
I put some SSD portal covers on there for extra, down low weight as all the bumpers, guards and racks are metal and kinda top heavy.
Once I got the body somewhat ready I started looking at how to mount it. I didn't want to hard mount it as it kind of a pain to get apart for battery changes, maintenance, etc. so I got some magnetic mounts and toyed around with how to mount them. No pics of that yet but will add some later.
I didn't get many photos along way...hadn't thought that far ahead but here is the almost complete Rover.

Added some rock chips with a nail.

Still need to fab up some kind of platform for the interior as what comes with the kit is really flimsy.

Oh, there's a magnetic mount hiding in there, behind the mud flap and in front of the blue ESC. Flipped the mag mount upside down and drilled a hole in the chassis then screwed it down. The upper mount is clipped to the inside of the body. Had to trim up the TRX fender wells to allow easy on/off attachment. Will get better pics later.

Also added the light kit. Still have a little work to do on this. Here' a quick video.
Thanks for looking!