Rock Stacker
So... Get some cheese, I'm about to whine.
I got an iPhone 4s 2 years ago. It's a pos. I dislike apple iOS. Thankfully, after putting 3 new batteries in it, it's now out of contract. So, I've been looking at new phones.
I hate iOS. I hate android. I hate... Well, everything. But, I marginally hate Windows 8.1 and BlackBerry less than iOS or Android. Which really sucks, because I want a phone with an awesome camera, modern guts, a huge ass screen, and storage (for pr0n, mostly plant pr0n). Oh, and I'm on an account with a huge corporate discount through AT&T. So, switching isn't gonna happen, since I'd pay 33% more for a phone and monthly data/etc through Verizon, Sprint, or T-Mobile.
I looked at the Lumias. They have good cameras, and run Windows. But... They're about to start selling a 'brand new' Lumia (the 640 XL) that literally has the same guts as 'good' phones had 4 years ago. Sorry, a dual core 1GHZ CPU... I have a Dell server with dual 1GHZ CPU's and 2 GB of RAM (it's ECC Registered, to boot!). If I bought that, I'd feel like I was walking around with a 15 year old chunk of technology in my pocket.
The only 'good' Lumia phones for AT&T were the 1020 and 1520. Both are no longer available.
So, I sighed, there was lots of emo/crying/wearing black (not really, but it's a sad mental picture, anyway) and started looking at Android phones.
As much as I hate Android, I hate Samsung more (loooong history, older than that 15 year old server in storage that STILL chugs along like a champ!), but grudgingly, I looked at what they offered.
I read reviews, looked at working displays in stores, prayed to the Ethereal Bor for guidance, and eventually, looked up the specs of each phone and wrote them out myself into a very easy to read document (wordpad ftw bitches) and printed it out, then colored on it with pastels.
I listed CPU, RAM, graphics, battery, camera, screen size, internal storage, external storage (a couple phones still have MicroSD ports inside), price, and started to just compare them.
My options were pretty simple. I looked at Motorola phones, IE, the Moto X 2nd gen, the Nexus 6, and the Moto G. I looked at Samsung phones, the Galaxy S5, Galaxy S6, and the Note 4. And just for giggles, I tossed in two phones from HTC, the two currently available HTC One phones (the M8 for Windows, and the M9 for Android).
It pretty quickly turned into a 3 way, between the Nexus 6, the Samsung Galaxy S6, and the Note 4.
Since Photography, youtube, and reading the news are about all I do with my phone (oh, I ignore, um... EVERYONE that calls me, as well), I went on goggles ( and looked at unedited pics people took with the two phones (as much as I like the Note 4, it is unfortunately quite a bit more expensive than the other two. How much? It's $300 with a 2 year contract. Next, it's $9/month more expensive) I was considering.
Then, I looked at reviews that specifically compared the screens, and the guts.
So, they are pretty close, though the CPU is apples/oranges, due to different manufacturers of the CPU.
Apps is pretty much a non-starter, they both run Android, so I'm pretty well guaranteed to get a CNN, BBC, PC News, NPR news, Fox News, etc. apps. I did look at baggage. Specifically, what comes pre-loaded on the phones.
After comparing the screens, photos, and the baggage, I decided to get a Nexus 6.
The second to last thing I did was compare the Nexus 6 to the iPhone 6 plus. Mostly I used reviews for this. I can't afford the 6 Plus, but it was an interesting benchmark.
The last thing I did was compare it to my iPhone 4S. I'm not talking about guts, here, but ergonomics. I found a working display model, and the store guy (who was about as bored as they come) was kind enough to disengage the anti-theft thing and let me actually experience the demo phone.
I have small hands. But, 99% of the time, when I use my phone, I'm sitting down, and killing time. I'm not one of 'those people' who are constantly glued to their phones, while walking, driving, sex, eating, sleeping, freebasing draino, etc. 99% of the time, I'm using both hands on my iphone 4S. So, a 5.9" screen isn't an issue for me. I also have a dedicated spot to put the thing, and it's not a back pocket (I actually don't use my back pockets. Except... I used a Decoy wallet while in Orlando, but that's another story.) So, I'm not worried about destroying it (I've had phones for 4 years now and never once broken a screen. Just absolutely destroyed batteries, but I'm not going to be driving across Texas ever again, forget in the middle of the summer with my phone on my dash.)
So, is there any reason I shouldn't actually get the Nexus 6? It's got Android, and the processor isn't anywhere near my current gaming rig, but it's also actually more powerful (well, so is the dual core 1 GHZ CPU in the 'ancient' Lumias, but that's mostly due to 64 bit, newer registries, specific application, etc.) than the server I have in my storage unit...
My last little thought... I didn't charge my iPhone 4S last night. Battery was at 40% this morning... It rapidly drained down until it was displaying 1%. It then stayed at 1% for 4 more hours, while I used it. o.x wtfbbq
I got an iPhone 4s 2 years ago. It's a pos. I dislike apple iOS. Thankfully, after putting 3 new batteries in it, it's now out of contract. So, I've been looking at new phones.
I hate iOS. I hate android. I hate... Well, everything. But, I marginally hate Windows 8.1 and BlackBerry less than iOS or Android. Which really sucks, because I want a phone with an awesome camera, modern guts, a huge ass screen, and storage (for pr0n, mostly plant pr0n). Oh, and I'm on an account with a huge corporate discount through AT&T. So, switching isn't gonna happen, since I'd pay 33% more for a phone and monthly data/etc through Verizon, Sprint, or T-Mobile.
I looked at the Lumias. They have good cameras, and run Windows. But... They're about to start selling a 'brand new' Lumia (the 640 XL) that literally has the same guts as 'good' phones had 4 years ago. Sorry, a dual core 1GHZ CPU... I have a Dell server with dual 1GHZ CPU's and 2 GB of RAM (it's ECC Registered, to boot!). If I bought that, I'd feel like I was walking around with a 15 year old chunk of technology in my pocket.

So, I sighed, there was lots of emo/crying/wearing black (not really, but it's a sad mental picture, anyway) and started looking at Android phones.
As much as I hate Android, I hate Samsung more (loooong history, older than that 15 year old server in storage that STILL chugs along like a champ!), but grudgingly, I looked at what they offered.
I read reviews, looked at working displays in stores, prayed to the Ethereal Bor for guidance, and eventually, looked up the specs of each phone and wrote them out myself into a very easy to read document (wordpad ftw bitches) and printed it out, then colored on it with pastels.
I listed CPU, RAM, graphics, battery, camera, screen size, internal storage, external storage (a couple phones still have MicroSD ports inside), price, and started to just compare them.
My options were pretty simple. I looked at Motorola phones, IE, the Moto X 2nd gen, the Nexus 6, and the Moto G. I looked at Samsung phones, the Galaxy S5, Galaxy S6, and the Note 4. And just for giggles, I tossed in two phones from HTC, the two currently available HTC One phones (the M8 for Windows, and the M9 for Android).
It pretty quickly turned into a 3 way, between the Nexus 6, the Samsung Galaxy S6, and the Note 4.
Since Photography, youtube, and reading the news are about all I do with my phone (oh, I ignore, um... EVERYONE that calls me, as well), I went on goggles ( and looked at unedited pics people took with the two phones (as much as I like the Note 4, it is unfortunately quite a bit more expensive than the other two. How much? It's $300 with a 2 year contract. Next, it's $9/month more expensive) I was considering.
Then, I looked at reviews that specifically compared the screens, and the guts.
So, they are pretty close, though the CPU is apples/oranges, due to different manufacturers of the CPU.
Apps is pretty much a non-starter, they both run Android, so I'm pretty well guaranteed to get a CNN, BBC, PC News, NPR news, Fox News, etc. apps. I did look at baggage. Specifically, what comes pre-loaded on the phones.
After comparing the screens, photos, and the baggage, I decided to get a Nexus 6.
The second to last thing I did was compare the Nexus 6 to the iPhone 6 plus. Mostly I used reviews for this. I can't afford the 6 Plus, but it was an interesting benchmark.
The last thing I did was compare it to my iPhone 4S. I'm not talking about guts, here, but ergonomics. I found a working display model, and the store guy (who was about as bored as they come) was kind enough to disengage the anti-theft thing and let me actually experience the demo phone.
I have small hands. But, 99% of the time, when I use my phone, I'm sitting down, and killing time. I'm not one of 'those people' who are constantly glued to their phones, while walking, driving, sex, eating, sleeping, freebasing draino, etc. 99% of the time, I'm using both hands on my iphone 4S. So, a 5.9" screen isn't an issue for me. I also have a dedicated spot to put the thing, and it's not a back pocket (I actually don't use my back pockets. Except... I used a Decoy wallet while in Orlando, but that's another story.) So, I'm not worried about destroying it (I've had phones for 4 years now and never once broken a screen. Just absolutely destroyed batteries, but I'm not going to be driving across Texas ever again, forget in the middle of the summer with my phone on my dash.)
So, is there any reason I shouldn't actually get the Nexus 6? It's got Android, and the processor isn't anywhere near my current gaming rig, but it's also actually more powerful (well, so is the dual core 1 GHZ CPU in the 'ancient' Lumias, but that's mostly due to 64 bit, newer registries, specific application, etc.) than the server I have in my storage unit...
My last little thought... I didn't charge my iPhone 4S last night. Battery was at 40% this morning... It rapidly drained down until it was displaying 1%. It then stayed at 1% for 4 more hours, while I used it. o.x wtfbbq