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Thoughts on TRXm only available through hobbyshops?


RCC Addict
Subscribed Member
Sep 19, 2010
Apollo Pa
I don't know about anyone else but I don't really like this idea, I suppose it's to create more foot traffic in a retail store but for me it's inconvenient. I ordered mine a couple weeks ago and was told it would be in the next week most likely, well my local hobby shop was hit by a car and it went entirely in the building but they pressed on and were back open in four days but Traxxas sent their shipment to a bigger store so I'm still waiting. I don't know, I've been doing most of my hobby shopping online for a long time now and it's just convenient for me, I put in a 12 hour day through the work week and by the time I get home after 5 at night and eat and all the other crap I gotta do the last the thing I wanna do is go somewhere else. I went to the bigger hobby shop where the shipment went and they said they are all spoken for, I paid for mine at my local shop and they went elsewhere and somebody ended up with mine. My local shop isn't happy about it either. I support my local shop anytime I need small parts, paint, etc. but I think this idea sucks, yeah I know I could order on the Traxxas site but I like RPP and Amain for my main big shopping.
Not to be totally rude but dude if you actually took the time to read the press release and following info PLASTERED EVERYWHERE:



Sorry but someone complaining about inconvenience because they have to wait for a product because a company put brick and motar small businesses FIRST, officially lost all my respect.

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Well I missed that press release, good to know, like I said I work a lot, there was no need to get rude about it. I did not know and did not see that. Thanks for pointing that out because I did not know that. Not everybody knows everything or sees everything that is a press release. I'm gonna refrain anymore comment on this.
Well I was gonna refrain from commenting but

First of all I understand the purpose completely, I totally support my local shop, I did not know that two weeks it would change to online sales.

Second you've been on here a year I've been on here going on 13 years and have never blatantly insulted some one on here once, there's no need for that shit. You could have just directed me to the press release. Or just been nice about it. These forums are dying, we need more people here, not new people seeing crap like you just posted and not even bothering to join up. I've got thick skin and not much bothers me but if you can't be respectful to others then don't say anything at all.

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Sorry but someone complaining about inconvenience because they have to wait for a product because a company put brick and motar small businesses FIRST, officially lost all my respect.

Well, that escalated quickly.....

I was looking online myself last night and saw your could only still pre-order off the TRX site. I thought that was odd... I haven't seen this press release either, I was wondering how people were getting them. In any case, I would think a simple copy and paste or a link would suffice. No need to get pissy.

We don't have a brick and mortar shop, but we do have a plaster and lathe shop... And not to be rude myself, but when they start putting customers first and remember their core customers who have spent thousands in there, I'll gladly spend my money there. However, since the owner retired and his kid who took over is a complete douchenozzle who is rude, disrespectful, and seems to generally not care about the business he was literally handed I'm not falling all over myself to go support them. Bottom line is not everyone has a LHS to go to.
Glad I'm not the only not to see the press release!

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Can't say I saw that either. I had heard they were hard to find.
And knowing whole story, that's not a bad thing Traxxas did.
Also agree that was a quick escalation there; unneeded.