I wanna be Dave
Time for another money pit project. "thumbsup"
I keep an eye on CL and FBM for used trucks...I really can't afford new, and frankly aside from that shiny new BBX on my bench there's not much that's caching my eye lately. Fixing up an old beater up rig can be almost as fun as building new, so that's what I've been doing lately. Always wanted a Summit to tinker with, but for nearly $600, not that much. I found this used one pop up 20 minutes away for all of $200, so what the hell. Figured it's like a huge TRX4 with independent suspension. So I snatched it up last weekend, and let the fun begin!
It was listed as complete, but not working. Wouldn't bind to the transmitter... hence the price. However, it bound right up to my radio and everything was working as it should. All the diff lock/2 speed mini servos seem to be working fine, steering was still plenty strong, and I drove it around a bit in the backyard using an odd 2S/3S combo just trying it out. The 775 is tired, or maybe it doesn't like 3S, I don't know - looks like it's seen a lot of water. Not to mention the extra pounds of mud caked everywhere. It lumbered around, and clearly needs quite a bit of work.
As it came.. a bit of a basket case, but complete other than the radio box cover. Had some huge 40 series RC4WD wheels and tires, rear chassis brace, and to my surprise it has the hard anodized shocks. Nice!
Front suspension took a shot. Pushrod link is bent and the knuckle has pulled out of the pivot balls somewhat so the front wheel wobbles all over. I tightened everything back up for now though I think I'll need a knuckle as the threads for the pivot ball retainers looks like they've stripped a bit.
First thing's first - I hate a muddy truck. Cleaned it up a bit, and swapped out the EVX/775 combo for a simple Trailmaster 21t for now. The driveline is a bit crunchy, I'll have to get in there and do some cleaning/regreasing.
Took off the 17mm hubs, swapped over to standard Maxx 14mm hexes I had left over from the Maxx money pits, and added my crawling tires off the C-Maxx. Also shortened the WB a bit using the secondary mounts in the rear arms for better steering and breakover, such as it is. Liking the stance, thinking it's definitely worthy of being built up for trail duty. I'm loving the locking diffs, I like messing with them on the trail with my TRX's, so it should be interesting putting them to use on this beast.
So of course, I ordered some new goodies:
Unfortunately, I sold my Slayer suspension parts with all my E-Revo parts long ago.
Might have been interesting to play with, but that's for another day.
Thankfully since it's been on the market forever, parts are pretty cheap and all over the place. Definitely one of the benefits of fixing up old TRX trucks. I've given up on restoring old Tamiya's and Kyoshos, it's just gotten too expensive.
Parts en-route! "thumbsup"
I keep an eye on CL and FBM for used trucks...I really can't afford new, and frankly aside from that shiny new BBX on my bench there's not much that's caching my eye lately. Fixing up an old beater up rig can be almost as fun as building new, so that's what I've been doing lately. Always wanted a Summit to tinker with, but for nearly $600, not that much. I found this used one pop up 20 minutes away for all of $200, so what the hell. Figured it's like a huge TRX4 with independent suspension. So I snatched it up last weekend, and let the fun begin!
It was listed as complete, but not working. Wouldn't bind to the transmitter... hence the price. However, it bound right up to my radio and everything was working as it should. All the diff lock/2 speed mini servos seem to be working fine, steering was still plenty strong, and I drove it around a bit in the backyard using an odd 2S/3S combo just trying it out. The 775 is tired, or maybe it doesn't like 3S, I don't know - looks like it's seen a lot of water. Not to mention the extra pounds of mud caked everywhere. It lumbered around, and clearly needs quite a bit of work.
As it came.. a bit of a basket case, but complete other than the radio box cover. Had some huge 40 series RC4WD wheels and tires, rear chassis brace, and to my surprise it has the hard anodized shocks. Nice!

Front suspension took a shot. Pushrod link is bent and the knuckle has pulled out of the pivot balls somewhat so the front wheel wobbles all over. I tightened everything back up for now though I think I'll need a knuckle as the threads for the pivot ball retainers looks like they've stripped a bit.

First thing's first - I hate a muddy truck. Cleaned it up a bit, and swapped out the EVX/775 combo for a simple Trailmaster 21t for now. The driveline is a bit crunchy, I'll have to get in there and do some cleaning/regreasing.

Took off the 17mm hubs, swapped over to standard Maxx 14mm hexes I had left over from the Maxx money pits, and added my crawling tires off the C-Maxx. Also shortened the WB a bit using the secondary mounts in the rear arms for better steering and breakover, such as it is. Liking the stance, thinking it's definitely worthy of being built up for trail duty. I'm loving the locking diffs, I like messing with them on the trail with my TRX's, so it should be interesting putting them to use on this beast.

So of course, I ordered some new goodies:
- WP1080G2, I'll configure the drag brake to shut off in high gear. Pretty nifty.
- LEM transmission dog: it's supposed to help the slop in the transmission, of which there is a ton. Might look into an E-revo single gear setup if I can't tighten up the trans.
- Replacement front knuckles and a full set of takeoff links and pushrods to replace the bent ones.
- New body - no way I'm running that Summit POS body. It's in good shape, it's just fairly ugly and heavy. Something lighter and more sleek is en-route.
- Couple of odds and ends to play with - new pinion, bumpers, etc.
Unfortunately, I sold my Slayer suspension parts with all my E-Revo parts long ago.

Thankfully since it's been on the market forever, parts are pretty cheap and all over the place. Definitely one of the benefits of fixing up old TRX trucks. I've given up on restoring old Tamiya's and Kyoshos, it's just gotten too expensive.
Parts en-route! "thumbsup"
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