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The Maxx Project

:shock: <--- Me, reading through this thread.

Nice work there, OSRC... Very impressive. Wondering if there will be a video of this sometime.
Amazed it made it up them stairs! Your rear bulk has 0 Caster and that's what's helping with the steering in both forward and reverse.
Ok, that's pretty awesome. Brings back memories of the tmaxx days for sure. I shutter to think about how much money I've had tied up in those trucks back in 2002. Lol

Anyhow, this thing looks like a monster. Nice work.
Since all my 1/10 crawlers are built and ready to go, I ran out of things to work on! This has been a nice distraction. And while I expected the steering to be challenging, I was not expecting the power this thing has. A single huge can brushed motor on 3S.makes more than enough horses to push this around pretty good. I thought it was going to be woefully underpowered, but so far the motor is doing fine.

I've since picked up a Pro .15 nitro truck to restore as a nitro, and a second T-maxx roller for parts. The second T-maxx very possibly could become a "little brother" to this build since it's pretty beat, I'm thinking 12.3 WB so most crawler bodies fit, and that should open up some interesting possibilities. Rock racer? smaller trail truck? Simple basher? IDK. I do know that my SCX6 wheels and tires fit. Hmm... In any case, it's amazing how cheap and plentiful the chassis are, I spent less than $200 on 2 complete trucks.

In the meantime, keeping an eye out for a body of some kind. Decided not to hack up the 1/5 body. I was looking at Losi 1/5 buggy bodies, but they are salty price-wise. Usually my best finds come when I'm not really looking, so I'll keep it in the back of my mind and something will turn up. :)
Ok, that's pretty awesome. Brings back memories of the tmaxx days for sure. I shutter to think about how much money I've had tied up in those trucks back in 2002. Lol

It is absolutely a trip down memory lane. The Maxx is a fun platform no matter how you build it, and I beat the heck out of it for years. This is the 1999 Pro .15 nitro little brother I bought to restore, about 3/4 of the way done. Just added a few OG hop ups I had laying around... it's a work in progress. Can't wait to fire it up, I've got to read up on nitro tuning, it's been almost 12 years since I pulled a cord.

Working on the C-maxx got me thinking about this one again. The biggest thing holding me up is a body. The Silverado body is out, just rubs too much and I don't want to hack it to pieces. I think a DBXL body/cage would look pretty badass on here, but for $349 it's way out of the budget. So I dug around and started playing with body parts, like a semi-sentient Frankenstein. Came up with a Proline Meglodon front half and the back cage of a Yeti Score. Looks a bit wonky but I think it's a start.

I had to narrow the chassis to fit the body, so I ripped everything out, cut the wings off, and added some speed holes. It's a huge slab of aluminum...some of the longer lines are a bit off, my up close vision is getting terrible- but at least all the holes are nice and square.

It is pretty badass with the 4WS...
Almost ready for a test run... Put the chassis components back in and countersunk all the screws on the bottom so it's nice and smooth. I cranked down on the steering collars (with pilers!) to get rid of the servo saver action. The springs are fully compressed, and it finally steers with authority. I'm running the 1/5 servos on 7.4v and they have tons of torque.

I had to swap out the AX2 trans, it just had way to much slack in it. The truck would roll almost a foot before engaging. I used an old Wraith trans with some steel gears inside. All the gears are 48p - not ideal, but at least they are all metal. There's a lot of reduction going on, so I might be able to get away with it.

Got the front bumper on - just a standard T-maxx front bumper. It fits the curved front end pretty good. No idea what I'm doing out back yet.

Did some trimming on the "body" and it seems to fit decent. I narrowed the cage about 1/4in so it fits better in the body. The spare tire mount works perfect to get into the battery. Just need to figure out a rear mount of some kind.

Threw some paint on the beast...

Combined the decals, though they are way hard to see... I officially call this the MegaloMaxx!

I mounted it at back with some simple zip ties. Since I can get back to the battery, no big deal. It's ready for some testing!
AGAIN with the out-of-the-box engineering!

I seriously dig stuff like this, OSRC FTW as always..."thumbsup"
Thanks all!

Weather forecast is sunny for Sunday, this big guy is going to get a workout! Taking bets on how it takes for something to implode. :) Both Maxx trucks are going to get some runtime hopefully. After I run a few "drive them all" resolution rigs of course. Going to be a fun day
Finally...test time. Wasn't planning to beat on it yet, just a light run to get a feel for it. This truck takes up a lot of space on the tailgate...:) Never thought about the on-off button on the ESC, it's way up there under the body. I used a stick to turn it on.

Stretching it's legs...I wanted an easy run, but had to put it on my usual test rock. Excellent breakover and balance, it walked all over my test rock as expected. I thought I'd be down on power, but it felt pretty good actually. It's geared about the same as a standard 1/10 crawler overall, tops out about 2x walking speed, and decent low speed resolution. Amazed that 570 motor can move this big beast with good power. I can get more for sure, but I'm not sure about overpowering it - I'm asking a lot of the driveline as is. I think it's just good enough.


Opens up some more lines due to its size.

Usual trails? No issues. Zero. Tires aren't even broken in. I will say I can see the driveshafts twisting in real time...sometimes a tire will have grip, and the other three start spinning and it take a second for the wheel with grip to pull. I see some HD CVD's in my future, those tires are hugs and heavy and the e-maxx shafts are on borrowed time.

Steering was pretty good. It was a bit vague at times, but the tires were always pointing where I wanted them to go. Didn't have any issues with control, but I think super precise crawling may not be its forte. :)

It seemed like an E-maxx suspension with what, 2.5" of travel would be enough, but it noticeably three wheeled here and there. Might be some custom shock towers and longer shocks in the future.


First break. Got about 1/2 a pack through before the steering link let go. No wonder, a tiny 3mm link with 1/5 servos and 8" tires? lol - no. Need to add some beef here for sure - easy fix.

All in all, a decent first run. Balance, power and steering were all very acceptable. Just need to fix the steering drag links and it'll be back out for a more challenging run.

And honestly, I hate the body. Need to come up with something else. I wonder, SCX6 Cliffhanger? Hmm...
Been taking some time off from RC the past few months, working on my new hobby and was a bit burned out with RC. But the itch never dies, and I have been dabbling here and there. One of the trucks I keep tinkering with is the SuperMaxx.

Keeping an eye out for old Maxx goodies on EBay, I finally found a set of SuperMaxx shock towers which are taller than stock and have a ton of mounting holes. I ordered up some 120mm shocks hoping to get a little more suspension travel. The Maxx has great suspension, but when it's stretched to 1/5 scale, it was coming up a bit short.

Shocks came in - nothing fancy, unbranded chinesium though they do look nice. Filled each up with 60wt oil to start.

Mounted up to the towers

And I've got about 1.5" more travel per wheel. Probably a bit more in there, but I think this is a pretty good starting spot.

The body has always been a problem - it's an odd size, and can't quite find something I like. I took a chance and ordered the SCX6 Cliffhanger, and it fits fine but those huge tires need a lot of clearance and I would have had to hack a lot out. Nah, I'll put this on my SCX6.

So I went back to the Redcat 1/5 body I started with - fit fine, it was just too wide. So what the heck, I'll never use it for anything else. Chopped it in 1/2 and took about 1.5" out. This is a PVC body and it freaking stank when I cut it up with the dremel. Probably took 5 years off the end of my life from the fumes.

That will work! I'm terrible at this, I just don't have the patience so it's pretty much just slapped together. :)

A gallon of Shoo Goo and some scrap lexan later, I had a body again. Did some quick testing of steering and suspension to be sure it clears and it's close, but it clears!



The springs I had for the shocks were way too soft, and with this heavy body up there, it was seriously sagging. Found a 5 pack of springs online for cheap, which had hard and extra hard springs. Figured I could use them between my 2 Maxx trucks, so it was a no brainer. That's a crapload of springs!

Took off the shocks for the new springs, and WTAF? The pistons fell out of 2 of the shocks! E-clips inside both weren't holding properly - the piston is too thick and the e-clip is not sitting in the channel, so it's held on by friction really. Took them apart, added Tamiya 3 hole pistons and some new e-clips and they are good as - hell, better than new. I'll have to look at the others, I'm sure all of them have the same issue.

New springs feel good, dampening is still a bit light even with 60wt oil. I'm going to tear down all the shocks, swap over to 2 hole pistons (and fix any e-clip issues) and see how it feels.
Thanks for the updates OSRC! This project is so cool and different. The body chop looks like it turned out great.

Kind of funny how badly assembled those shocks were from the factory. Seems like I always end up spending more money trying to make crappy shocks good than I would have if I just got the name brand stuff. But where's the fun in that?
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The body is a 10 footer for sure, but I think it looks better than what was on there. Not sure what I want to do with paint yet - it's PVC so I might be able to get away with some Krylon paint ilo RC paint. I'll have to experiment.

I didn't have much of a choice, 8 shocks gets expensive! I don't mind some tinkering to get them to work well, as long as the fundamentals are there. They are fairly smooth, look great, and so far feel good on the truck.
New old school build from Old School RC. Nice build. Pete conqueror for sure...King Pete maybe. Edit: Better yet, Maxx Pete! :ror:

Your shock failure reminds me of a recent Supercross crash. Ken Roczen was blitzing through the whoops when his shock let go and sent him over the bars into a broken tib plateau, foot and toe. I don't think they determined the exact cause of the crash, but in the photo sequence you can see the errant retaining ring! Sorry for the detour...I'm in Supercross mode after attending the Philly round this past Saturday.

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