Been taking some time off from RC the past few months, working on my new hobby and was a bit burned out with RC. But the itch never dies, and I have been dabbling here and there. One of the trucks I keep tinkering with is the SuperMaxx.
Keeping an eye out for old Maxx goodies on EBay, I finally found a set of SuperMaxx shock towers which are taller than stock and have a ton of mounting holes. I ordered up some 120mm shocks hoping to get a little more suspension travel. The Maxx has great suspension, but when it's stretched to 1/5 scale, it was coming up a bit short.
Shocks came in - nothing fancy, unbranded chinesium though they do look nice. Filled each up with 60wt oil to start.
Mounted up to the towers
And I've got about 1.5" more travel per wheel. Probably a bit more in there, but I think this is a pretty good starting spot.
The body has always been a problem - it's an odd size, and can't quite find something I like. I took a chance and ordered the SCX6 Cliffhanger, and it fits fine but those huge tires need a lot of clearance and I would have had to hack a lot out. Nah, I'll put this on my SCX6.
So I went back to the Redcat 1/5 body I started with - fit fine, it was just too wide. So what the heck, I'll never use it for anything else. Chopped it in 1/2 and took about 1.5" out. This is a PVC body and it freaking stank when I cut it up with the dremel. Probably took 5 years off the end of my life from the fumes.
That will work! I'm terrible at this, I just don't have the patience so it's pretty much just slapped together.
A gallon of Shoo Goo and some scrap lexan later, I had a body again. Did some quick testing of steering and suspension to be sure it clears and it's close, but it clears!
The springs I had for the shocks were way too soft, and with this heavy body up there, it was seriously sagging. Found a 5 pack of springs online for cheap, which had hard and extra hard springs. Figured I could use them between my 2 Maxx trucks, so it was a no brainer. That's a crapload of springs!
Took off the shocks for the new springs, and WTAF? The pistons fell out of 2 of the shocks! E-clips inside both weren't holding properly - the piston is too thick and the e-clip is not sitting in the channel, so it's held on by friction really. Took them apart, added Tamiya 3 hole pistons and some new e-clips and they are good as - hell, better than new. I'll have to look at the others, I'm sure all of them have the same issue.
New springs feel good, dampening is still a bit light even with 60wt oil. I'm going to tear down all the shocks, swap over to 2 hole pistons (and fix any e-clip issues) and see how it feels.