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Team Ottsix Racing Wizard CompSpec C2


Quarry Creeper
Mar 12, 2020
Las Vegas
Searching around here and I can't find any thread discussing this machine. Any thoughts?

Mixed feelings from me... No pics of chassis or transmission yet. The big thing he pushes as a selling point is the ability to quick change from straight axle to portal but frankly, i think that is dumb. Obviously straight and portal axles have their advantages depending on terrain but how many people are going to swap from one to the other before a comp?

To add to that, the portals are 1:1 so no additional gear reduction. The parts to switch from one configuration to the other are almost as much as an entire f10 or f10 portal. The rear is offset to the opposite side of the front. He said it reduces torque twist, which i guess is cool, but it is something you have to remember when picking lines.

I saw one of his posts saying that both portal and straight axle configuration are included in the kit so the $500 preorder price isnt bad.
I think it looks pretty sweet. Kind of hard to tell the quality of the parts because they only use renderings for the pics. If I was into bigger trucks that would be the type of truck I would get. Well I would want a sweet scale trail truck too. It looks almost exactly like my twenty four looked for a good bit, lol.
Get it and tell us how it is.
not6 isent on the best of terms around here we dont really talk about them much cause i guess from what ive hered there pricks but i dont know anything about them other than what ive read on here and personally ive never tryed any of there products or met anyone from there in any way shape or form

but thats probably why there arent any threads on it here
Thanks for the heads up ferp, I was wondering why I had never seen it on here before. That’s too bad they are bad people, the product seems cool.
Thanks for the heads up ferp, I was wondering why I had never seen it on here before. That’s too bad they are bad people, the product seems cool.
I don't know exactly what he did to earn the reputation, but it isnt limited to this site.
Well earned imo, let's just leave it at that. Don't care how nice the truck is, won't even buy so much as a .99 tire foam from this jackass.

I spend entirely too much time online so ive seen several of these small business rc guys act like total jerks. Calling people stupid and losers and other names on facebook, often for no reason. There are a few i wont buy from because of it.

Whatever Ottman did was probably during one of my breaks from rc.
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Well that pretty much answers my questions on the lack of thread content regarding this machine. No worries all, and on to the next project.

The wizard is a nicer rig then any Traxxas,axial or any other name brand rigs. I’d say only vanquish rigs would be nice or a CAPO rig. But you’re talking $1000’s vs $100’s so there’s a difference.
I'm not familiar with the company even though my name might suggest otherwise! Lol! But I think it looks like a pretty good $500.00 baseline to build a pretty slick crawler.