got the scores for the minies at the recon rtr. looks like some ones going to to have to do work
Well 4 of us went up to the AWCQ at pyramid lake and 3 of us came home with envites to the AWCC:shock: finishline with a 2nd place finish in sportsman, I got 4th in 2.2 pro and donzx12 with 10th place in 2.2 pro. CALI REPRESENT"thumbsup"
Nice job J ROCK! way to represent, now you just get to kick back on friday at the w.c.c. and watch us qualify."thumbsup"
Hey James I never got the info on the flyer you need ne to make.the picture came through but I never got any of the info
Him my phone never got em ill get on my computer and check my email and knock it out for you
James, are you gonna roll that xr10 at the cvrc comp this weekend? No better way to make a sell than to advertise:mrgreen:
I know nothing of this as i know... idk if its good or anythingIt looks a little rough are there any brushes left in it,what wind is it.
lmfao!!!! u seen it !!! i was trying to hide the shame..but hey i didnt do it so all good lol..I agree on the freebies! If you do use it please dont use the speaker wire:mrgreen: