Rock Crawler
I should be able to make it out for an hour or two.You should try and make it out MrG. Its allways cool to meet new guys to crawl with.
I should be able to make it out for an hour or two.You should try and make it out MrG. Its allways cool to meet new guys to crawl with.
Hey check out the first pic on the Proline Readers rides page!
Sorry guys, won't be able to make it down there this eve. Have fun "thumbsup"
Nice, Love that pic"thumbsup" Did you put that on there?
nope its me if i get picked i get a free body i was going to donate to the next series
oh and james or jason next gtg text me the day before so i can take my rig to work im not as active on here as i am on rcsc now and forget to check it daily like i should be
Hi all, I'm in Tracy and picked up a Honcho a bit ago. I'll try to keep an eye on this thread. I work in the bay area mon-thu nights, and generally have friday nights free, but have my sons on the weekend.
J thanks for the tip on cheap batteries, I found some for 17 bucks"thumbsup" I hope to get them within the next couple of weeks.
I need a new scaler, let me know if your going to sell itwon a brand new TR Hancho,
I need a new scaler, let me know if your going to sell it
Even though it was hot with lots of fly's & blood sucking mosquito's, and me being hung over, I think Me, J. and Max ended up having a great time on Sunday.
I'm building a new lid for my scaler and was testing it out and am very happy so far. can't wait to get it finished up. I'm looking farward to the next GTG. hope to see the rest of you guy's soon.