Pebble Pounder
I'll be there "thumbsup"
Sounds good,see you tomorrow"thumbsup"
DAMN....I guess I'm out of the loop....
That sucks
Thanks guys, had a great time todayI did get a few pic's, i'll post them tomorrow.
Go lexan it will get rid of some of your high COG,Had a great time crawlin with you guys today,couldent of asked for better weather either,Lets see some pics!Dude, i'm rackin my brain trying to decide whether or not to go lexan, I guess i'll sleep on it.
WOW, I cant believe how good those came out since they were from a cell phone !!!!!!!!!!!
I like the new Avitar "thumbsup"
mannn i wish i could go >_< ill be in disneyland. and with me not working right now i have the extra time to go anyone hireing hahaha >_< ewww
They did my new employees didn't like me I guess and I used a swear word in a text and I was let go for it. My new dm didn't like me much I think so he used any excuse to get rid of me. So I'll be looking everywhere to work I've been off since Thursday and I've cleaned our whole house and re did the garage I can't just sit around not doing anything