Quarry Creeper
Your still one of the OG member of Central Valley so when ever you can make it the better.
og......I hope you mean old girl....."thumbsup"
Your still one of the OG member of Central Valley so when ever you can make it the better.
You both have been around each other to long.og......I hope you mean old girl....."thumbsup"
Jason Is this a scaler only place or are 2.2 comps rigs OK?
Both"thumbsup" Most that are coming have scalers but theres a few of us bringing our comp rigs also. We got all day to set some fun courses up and do some trailridin:mrgreen:
so where r the pics from thursday?
I'm just bringing my comp rig, it will fit in backpack for sure.
im bringing my scaler.... im hoping two 1500mah lipo and a 1250 lipo will be enough for the day...im thinking of buying one more 1250 lipo or going to hobby city and getting a 5000mah for 50 buck and have it in two weeks
I'm bring all the batteries I can bring. Too bad I have two lipos and not a charger yet. Charger is on order, just waiting now.