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------ Team LERK Night/Day GTG------

sweet sweet sweet....got my trade today....
sick ass 1.9 scaler...
get to play with it on saturday...hope you guys can make it out...."thumbsup"

Cool cant wait to check it out! I wont be able to make it out this weekend i have to work on sat. Sorry guys maybe next time.
im looking forward to driving my new bully rig. ive had it built since november but with how crazy works been i havent touched it. i wonder if im going to want to give up the comp scene alltogether running with u guys and the scalers has been more fun then going to a comp to run for 15 mins and sit around bored the rest of the day
im looking forward to driving my new bully rig. ive had it built since november but with how crazy works been i havent touched it. i wonder if im going to want to give up the comp scene alltogether running with u guys and the scalers has been more fun then going to a comp to run for 15 mins and sit around bored the rest of the day

I hear on the comp scene, but im going to give it a chance again no MOA for me this time around.
hey crawldog did you happen to snag me one of the bearings i was asking about? if not i wont bring my 2.2 tomarrow unless i can snag one from my other scaler
ur awsome! if they do post up what i owe yea if not ill bring some cash with me id really appreciate it!
ive got a novak sitting in my bag actually that i wouldnt mind getting rid of i hate the thing lol. id much rather pick up some of the holmes esc's
that i dont have >_< im about to leave work here in a bit then im on my way to do a bit of crawling :D
sat garage gtg

had lotta fun last night guys!!! thanks to m&mcrawler and his wife for the dinner that was very kind heres jus a few pics for now my computer is very slow right now???????


m&m doin werk with his new scaler!!! nice ride max!!!
Nice pics Paul"thumbsup" On another note, I found a spot to crawl that is beyond sick:shock: Were going out to this spot on thursday and going to crawl 10 miles or so of area:shock::shock: We have to find some good spots to park plenty of cars. I'll post some pics from the area's when we get back. If anyone is down to go we'll be leaving here around 11:00 am. Not even an hour drive from oakdale:mrgreen:"thumbsup"
hopefully its not to wet. eew thats a drive for me but oh well. next time i can make it out maybe ill snag a ride from oakdale
time and place? sounds like fun for a couple hours may even bring along my misses shes been bugging me about seeing what i do when i go play with toy trucks