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step down voltage converter/regulator


I wanna be Dave
Sep 16, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
so I'm looking for something specific.
I need to drop down to 6v -7.4 volts
From a 4s Lipo battery.
The catch is the I want JST plugs on it. (male/female)
Because I don't trust myself with a soldering iron these days.
I have a JST female plug adapter on an inline Deans plug.
And wish to utilize that to plug into my 4s lipo.
I'd prefer not to have to utilize a Castle BEC.
But instead would be satisfied using a UBEC or something with a fixed voltage,
some where around 6v - 7.4 volts.
I have one currently but it only has 5v and 12v versions of it.
And although my LED light bar can handle 12v, it gets way too hot.
And the 5v version is not enough.

Anyone know of something inexpensive that would do this ?
A link would be helpful.
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Hopefully an acceptable hijack.. Just wanted to say that heyok has hooked me and my buddy up several times in the past. Awesome guy to deal with.

Good to see you still around these parts, Al.
Hopefully an acceptable hijack.. Just wanted to say that heyok has hooked me and my buddy up several times in the past. Awesome guy to deal with.

Good to see you still around these parts, Al.
Thank you for the kind words! I try and login here a few times a week.
The last year or so, the much less expensive electronic parts seem to be attracting the customers than the parts I offer, but I'm still here trying to keep things going.

Hey, I'm glad I could help you and your friend before!

I still have my web store, so come check it out sometime ;-)
I see the wireless winch key fob now has two more buttons ?
What do those do and should I be upgrading my winch remote fob ?

btw, Happy Birthday again !
Belated, but somebody should acknowledge your special day !
Hope the year finds you in good health and spirit.
I see the wireless winch key fob now has two more buttons ?
What do those do and should I be upgrading my winch remote fob ?
Yes, the key fobs I am using have four buttons now. I still sell the wireless winch controller that operates a winch, but I also make a version that will control two winches.
But wait, there's more: I make a version that will work a winch and two lighting circuits, and I make a version that will operate a winch, a two position servo and a light output.
If there is some other combination you can think up, run it by me and I will let you know if I can build it!
..btw, Happy Birthday again !
Belated, but somebody should acknowledge your special day !
Hope the year finds you in good health and spirit.
Thank you for the birthday wishes! I was taken out for a nice Italian dinner last night 8)

Yes, the key fobs I am using have four buttons now. I still sell the wireless winch controller that operates a winch, but I also make a version that will control two winches.
But wait, there's more: I make a version that will work a winch and two lighting circuits, and I make a version that will operate a winch, a two position servo and a light output.
If there is some other combination you can think up, run it by me and I will let you know if I can build it!

Thank you for the birthday wishes! I was taken out for a nice Italian dinner last night 8)

I got to read more. But I'd like to turn on my light remotely with my FS GT5 or maybe automatically with a light sensor. But I'll have to wait for a bit the replenish my bank account.

Did you get my payment for the voltage stepdown unit via PayPal ?
I got to read more. But I'd like to turn on my light remotely with my FS GT5 or maybe automatically with a light sensor. But I'll have to wait for a bit the replenish my bank account.

Did you get my payment for the voltage stepdown unit via PayPal ?

Yes, payment received, thank you!

To operate your lights with a channel:

To operate your lights with a light sensor:
Yes, payment received, thank you!

To operate your lights with a channel:

To operate your lights with a light sensor:

Does the first option rely on the RX's voltage output supply ?
I've no idea what voltage the GT5 RX puts out ? (guess I'll have to read the specs for this GT5)
(It's new and I've yet to utilize it ! doh ?)
I'm thinking a separate battery source would insure a higher voltage.
And so I think the light sensor might be a better way to go.
Now I need a Deans plug with FST dual female plugs on it. Lol
This beast already weighs in at nearly 35 #'s :shock:
Does the first option rely on the RX's voltage output supply ?
I've no idea what voltage the GT5 RX puts out ? (guess I'll have to read the specs for this GT5)
(It's new and I've yet to utilize it ! doh ?)
I'm thinking a separate battery source would insure a higher voltage.
And so I think the light sensor might be a better way to go.
Now I need a Deans plug with FST dual female plugs on it. Lol
This beast already weighs in at nearly 35 #'s :shock:

Give the link a click and you can read that I make versions of the light controller that operate from receiver power and from external (battery) power.

I'm not sure what FST is or I would offer to make it.
I meant JST connectors ! doh damn typo error
(or just brain fade)
First I'll check out what I already ordered.
Then I will look into that further :mrgreen:
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All I will say is Al @ Hey OK is an upstanding individual and really knows his Electronics business.

I purchased some adjustable voltage regulators from him for my LED light bar and at first plug in they weren't working correctly.

But then I realized the voltage flow direction was not right.
And was likely a lack of communication on my part.

But either way we re-soldered the female JST plug to the opposing end (where the male plug was attached ) and now the adjustable voltage regulators (2) work perfectly fine.

At first I was confused until I realized this mistake.
But all is better now and I would recommend Al at Hey OK to work for you in getting what you need for your RC electronics.

Thank you Al ! even though I was likely a PITA for you ! :)
Hopefully next time I will be able to communicate better with you ;-)