I wanna be Dave
BOTH should be ideally waterproof, but either waterproofing the receiver yourself or putting it in a waterproof box is far less hassle than driving with a friggin' bag over your radio.
I really don't care that much, either way.
It would be fun to occasionally drive in a downpour but realistically I head home when it rains.
And I don't take my rigs in water, mostly because I hate cleaning them up - unless it's just blasting them with air... and the water hazards around here are seriously germ-ridden.
However, I am jonesing for a TRX-4 Defender, and it may be the one rig of mine that gets muddy - and I suppose I will try to do something about protecting a radio tx (and rx if needed) from water eventually.
I'd somewhat rather another company put out a waterproof radio, though - not really sure why, but I've never been into Spektrum as a brand.
I REALLY want the similar concept applied to the new FlySky Nomadio.
The trx4 is waterproof stock. Mine may or may not have gotten the electronics fully submerged while in a downpour last weekend. Ain't no problems with that stock junk. :lol: