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Sonoma County Crawlers

I was hoping I could possibly catch a ride to the AWCC with someone, I can help out with gas and food. Just need a ride and a campspace to share. Please PM me if anyone can help out with this. Thanks"thumbsup"
Driving back up Friday. Have to work all weekend, but maybe some crawl time Monday and Tuesday next week. Pencil me in.
Starting a new build.:mrgreen:


So looks like RichDog and his Bro want to do a CloverSkale run tonight.

We're gonna leave out of Doggers sometime around 4 or 5, probably closer to 5. Crawl till we injure ourselves or run out of runtime. It's a hike so bring a backpack with your spares and what not.

This is that spot off the side of the 101 just over the hill. Post up if you you wanna get down on some Clover Skale Tonight! It's supposed to rain tomorrow so we figured a day early. CLOVERSKALE SUCKA, the un ending utopia of scaling.
So this is my second attempt, I trying to find someone who is going to the Axial West Coast Championships that I can catch a ride with and share a camp spot with. I've never been to anything like this and I would really like to check it out. I can help out with gas and food. Thanks;-)