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sickpuppys TRX-4's life up north..

I think this color Toyota came out fantastic, especially with the bronze wheels.

I think this color Toyota came out fantastic, especially with the bronze wheels.


Thanks buddy!! :)
I am hoping for the lights to arrive this week so I can make a film with it during the next weekend, but I dont have much faith in the US postal services atm, nothing ordered from the US is arriving in reasonable time.. Even packages from Australia arrives before shipments from the US.. :roll:
Short story.. I've bought a new house, dont got time to update as much in here..

Just telling so you dont call missed person on me.. :)
A little off topic, anyway..
In three weeks we refurbished(is that the correct name for it?) 10, yes TEN rooms..
We were planning on doing 4, we thought that repainting the bedrooms and changing some floors would be good enough..
But then friends happened.. We got the keys for the house the 1st of july, and in 21 days the house was filled with friends wanting to help out almost every single day..
So instead of making a little shine on some bedrooms, living room and some light touch-ups on the bathroom we ended up with full renovation on 10 rooms.. Ok, not totally 100% reno the whole thing, coz' we're changing the floors in the living room and hallway next summer..

The biggest change and biggest expence tho was made in the kitchen. We were thinking that we'd wait until next summer to redo that one due to the costs.
But the bank actually said that "wouldn't it be a good idea to fix the kitchen before moving in..?", OH YES!! So we did..
All I got for pictures right now is a pair of before and after on the kitchen, if you want to I might take some new shots of the rest of the house to show what's going on up there.. :)
But here we go :)
This is the kitchen before..

And after..

We also got rid of that door in the corner to make room for some more cabinets..

I'm quite pleased with how this worked out.. :)

Aaand some topic-related in the end..
Behind my garage I got a little area I guess might be pretty sweet for rock crawling, it's a shame that it's too crowded with weeds and small trees atm, but that'll be cleaned out next spring time to make it a little more crawler-friendly... :)
Re: SiCkPuPPy's TRX-garage.

That is an awesome transformation!

Is that a dual oven or microwave/oven combo?

I like your kitchen a lot!
Re: SiCkPuPPy's TRX-garage.

That is an awesome transformation!

Is that a dual oven or microwave/oven combo?

I like your kitchen a lot!
Thanks for the kind words, Benp.

It's a combo, we never have the need for two owens. So it's a nice solution for our use and we're pretty pleased with how it turned out.
I will not post pictures from the rest of the house, but the transformation are just as pleasing in every single room, you get the feel of beeing through a time machine. [emoji1787][emoji41]

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Sorry lads!
I'm still too much hung up in the new house.
I also happened to buy myself a new car, a Pick-up this time, but more about that one later..
Many years ago I owned what now has become my dream car, it was an Audi V8 quattro and looked like this..

I often find myself staring at the picture above and thinking "how could I be so stupid to sell this car..", and the value of that car is just shooting for the stars the last decade, I sold mine 11 years ago.. :p
But last weekend, while surfing an Audi-forum and particularly a V8 quattro-thread, one of the users posted a picture of his new RC-kit.. I asked him where he got it from, he gave me the url and 24seconds later "Thank you for your purchase".. :D
And look what came in the mail today!!

And the reason this is not totally off topic, it's 10th scale!! So it might just fit perfectly sitting on the trailer behind one of my TRX's!!
Hah, I love internet!!
And I still love my house, my wife, my new truck and everything around at the moment..

But I really really hate this covid-thing.. I've been fortunate to not have to leave my job for the covid, but I've had to send home some of my guys because Mercedes Benz shut down their factory, and that effects us because we mainly build our trucks from MB chassis..
Just a few weeks ago I finally got to take everyone back in to work. But now look what's about to happen'.. I might just have to let them go, again..
F**k this sh*t, I'm sick of it..!!

But as long as we stay healthy by keeping distance, washing hands and not doing stupid things I guess we're going to get through it.. Hopefully..

So stay safe folks, we cant afford loosing guys to this pandemic, we can't let it breake us down!
Wow.. I totally forgot I bought that Tamiya V8 until I logged in here..
That must be a sign of having too much to do at the moment..
Since last time I haven't done anything to any of the bodies or chassis, but I've bought a new cabin for the TRX-6. I dont remember what type it is, but I know I thought it was cool as F... :D
SO now I'm dealing with -21 Celsius outside, nothing I cant handle but I dont feel like going out to play :D
But it wont be too long until I'll finally get time to do something in my RC-bunker, I'm really looking forward to it! :)

So, happy new year people, see you again soon! PS: This christmas was the first christmas in three years I've not been forced to "celebrate" christmas and new years eve in hospital, YEY!! It counts for something! hehe :D
I'm back, alive and kickin'!! :D
Remember me?
Well, after well over a year parked up on shelfs, I finally got my RC-shed up and running with power, heat and some other stuff.

These shelf queens is soon getting some dirt all over them. :D

And today I had to take this girl out for some light playing.
I think she appreciated it :)




I'm finding lots of parts while unpacking into the RC-shed, and I really look forward to getting in to these crawlers again. I've missed it!!
Hey brother, hows it goin? Havent heard from u in a minute lol. Good to see u back in one piece. Your rc getaway looks great! I need to get a room in the house done up just for our rcs. The trx6 is lookin good out on go
Heeey Indy!
Nice to see you!
Yeah it's been a while. And again I've been struggling with the health. I just cant understand what my parents did to me when I was younger, maybe I was in kindergarten at Tsjernobyl or something, haha :D
But yeah, it's pickin' up and starting to feel very good again now. :)

Yeah, the getaway is sweet as F.. I'm thinking of adding a TV to the largest wall there, but I also want some wallmounted part-storage.. I need to think a bit about that. I am also in the middle of building a home cinema in the basement of the house, so I need to portion out the time between all the projects, but DAMN this property we bought last year is just perfect for me/us..

So how are you doing? All well on your side?
Thats awesome! Good to hear your health is gettin better.

We're waitin on papers for our house. Landlord offered it to us for $22k, n hes goina finance it to us as rent to own. Plus, the wife is preggers with twins! Im excited lol
Re: SiCkPuPPy's TRX-garage.

Oh my! You took the jackpot route!
Congrats on every aspect, and what a deal with the house!
Can I ask what standard that house is? I mean, we paid 15 times that and our house is quite regular, nothing fancy.
But damn,that was good news [emoji108] The landlord is some kind of family then, or just in good faith? I'm almost starting to believe in humanity again, haha [emoji1787]

Sent fra min SM-G988B via Tapatalk
Re: SiCkPuPPy's TRX-garage.

That said.. house built in Norway need to meet some serious standards due to a couple meters with snow, blizzards and stuff like that.. I dont know the conditions in Alabama, but they may be a little nicer climate vise..?

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Thanks! The house is faily decent size, but only a 2 bdrm for now. The liv rm, kitchen n both bdrms are roughly 12'x14', n its on an acre of property. We're literally outside of town lol, i can see the city limit sign from the front porch.

The landlord is awesome! Hes a family freind of my boss' n thier family. Weve been here for 5 yrs, so he made us a deal worth takin.

The weather isnt bad here. Winter time, it may get down in high 20s (f) but only for a few days. Every great once in awhile we get snow. 3 ir 4 yrs ago we got over a foot of snow. But it usually only last a couple days. My wife says this is the onlybplace u can get frost bite n heat stroke in the same day lol. I love it here. Indiana gets to cold for my taste, n i was born n raised in southern indiana...
It really sounds like you got a darn good deal on that house, congrats again, isn't it lovely when things just fall in place? :)
About a year ago, the same time as we bought the house, a friend of mine offered me a cheap very used body for my TRX-6..
I gave him a fistfull of dollars for it and it has been sitting collecting dust like all the other rc-stuff I got.
Yesterday I decided that "Hey, wouldn't it be a good first thing to do in the RC-shed?"..
So here we go!
I had to repair a lot of small cracks and dents on the body, and the roll cage is plain and simple destroyed.. But after that and a million small screws to remove the trim and lights I got to mask it up before painting..

I must say, at this point I was pretty upset with myself, I hated the color and how it looked!! :(

But isn't it..? Yeah!! The ugly duckling reappears as a.. well, to call it a swan is stretching it a bit.. But DAMN!! This is so much better than I even hoped for!!

Look at this beauty!! :)

I'm waiting for some parts, and are thinking of buying new mirrors for it aswell, but so far I think it came out perfect!

I guess some pictures will be taken tomorrow, maaaybe I'll repair the trailer so it can tow a friend also.. I got to look into that :)
I started the day fixing the trailer, and now I'm getting stuff into the truck and try to find a decent place to drive a little and take some pictures. :)