Sorry lads!
I'm still too much hung up in the new house.
I also happened to buy myself a new car, a Pick-up this time, but more about that one later..
Many years ago I owned what now has become my dream car, it was an Audi V8 quattro and looked like this..
I often find myself staring at the picture above and thinking "how could I be so stupid to sell this car..", and the value of that car is just shooting for the stars the last decade, I sold mine 11 years ago..
But last weekend, while surfing an Audi-forum and particularly a V8 quattro-thread, one of the users posted a picture of his new RC-kit.. I asked him where he got it from, he gave me the url and 24seconds later "Thank you for your purchase"..
And look what came in the mail today!!
And the reason this is not totally off topic, it's 10th scale!! So it might just fit perfectly sitting on the trailer behind one of my TRX's!!
Hah, I love internet!!
And I still love my house, my wife, my new truck and everything around at the moment..
But I really really hate this covid-thing.. I've been fortunate to not have to leave my job for the covid, but I've had to send home some of my guys because Mercedes Benz shut down their factory, and that effects us because we mainly build our trucks from MB chassis..
Just a few weeks ago I finally got to take everyone back in to work. But now look what's about to happen'.. I might just have to let them go, again..
F**k this sh*t, I'm sick of it..!!
But as long as we stay healthy by keeping distance, washing hands and not doing stupid things I guess we're going to get through it.. Hopefully..
So stay safe folks, we cant afford loosing guys to this pandemic, we can't let it breake us down!