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Scale Tire Size Charts...


I wanna be Dave
Feb 26, 2009
Cowtown, USA
Here is some info about scale tires and what Class they can go into.
**Just FYI, these tires are the only ones I found Manufacture dimensions for.
If you find any more scale tires, feel free to provide the information on this thread with a link."thumbsup"

Updated 5/10/16



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That's just what we needed"thumbsup" Now I don't have to go to PL or RC4WD's website when I need to know the size of a certain set of tires:ror: Thanks for taking the time to come up with the list...
This should be a sticky here and/or in the scale forum:mrgreen:
Nice, this could have saved me a lot of time a few days ago. :roll::ror:

Thanks for taking the time to do this, now let's get this stickied.
Justin, can you modify it with available compounds ??

You know,during the down time at work;-)

Thanks for the chart It will help a bunch"thumbsup"
Yeah, if anyone has any other info on other scale tires, I will update the list.

Actually, this week has been busy.:cry: I did these charts this morning. :mrgreen:

No worries, your welcome!"thumbsup"
Thanks for posting the Tire Size Chart

To Justinart24,
Thank you for taking the time to put the Tire Size Chart together.
This is great information... BUT... any way to organize it better? Perhaps by size in each tire class? Smallest to largest OR by brand in alphabetical order based on tire name?

Now that Scale rules tire sizes have been listed, an updated list here would be awesome!