them bugs i got from you are awsome they look good on my losi Tom
What are your store hours? I have called once an hour since noon, and no one picked up. Are you open on fridays?
Also, I called yesterday about an order... The lady whom I talked to gave me a ton of attitude, and blamed me for somehting that clearly wasn't my fault. I wasn't even trying to blame you guys for it, but it made my blood boil when she kept repeating "You caused the problem". WTF.
Basically, I placed an order from your website on wednesday evening, and selected paypal as the payment method. I clicked next, and it said I placed the order succesfully, although it never sent me to the paypal site to pay. I assuemd this was because you guys send a paypal invoice manually or whatever, so I didn't think anything of it. I didn't get a paypal money request, and again assumed it was becasue you manually send a money request. I did, however, receive a confirmation email, and assumed everythign was going well. The next day, Thursday, (yesterday), I get an email sayign my order was cancelled, with no reason. SO, I called your store to ask why. I assumed it was becasue the item was out of stock, but you forgot to update the site or something, but called anyways, jsut in case there was another issue. As it turned out, it was becasue no payment was recieved, and I told the lady that I never recieved a money request. She basically told me that it was my fault I never received a moeny request because she never received a request to send a money request/invoice, WTF, THAT DOESN"T EVEN MAKE SENSE. I placed an order, that in itself is a request to bill me.
At this point I said, well, I guess paypal messed up becasue i never closed the order window half way throuhg, the site actually said order confirmed etc before I closed it. Then, she proceeded to tell me that I was wrong, and it was definately my fault. I AM NOT AN IDIOT. I KNOW HOW PAYPAL / THE INTERNET WORKS. There are 2 possible reasons for something like that to happen: 1)Your server glitched and failed to forward me to paypal, OR, the paypal servers glitched, and told your your servers everythign worked. My borwser is not going to make up a page that says order succesful on its own.
I wasn't even upset about the ordeal until she started blaming the shit on me. I made FOUR other orders with paypal that day, and they all went through fine.
HERE's the worst part. I asked if I coudl re-place the order, and she says "no" becasue apparently the one i ordered was the last one, and someone else bought it right after they cancelled mine. She said you guys can't pursue it evrytinme someone messes up ordering, becasue it happens a lot. All I have to say about that is it take all of 60 seconds to send a paypal money request manually to the email address provided. Unless there are hundreds of failed orders a day (in which case you have bigger issues anyways), it isn't that difficult to send the money request.
Now i'm SOL cuz there are no more in stock, and you are the only ones who stock the items. :evil:
I probably wouldn't even be upset about the whole damn ordeal if that woman hadn't repeated (about 10 times fyi), that the whole thing was definately my fault. 5 mins later I recieve an email that repeats again that it was my fault, and then has the signature that says "our customer service rocks"... jsut adding insult to injury. :-x
Suppose it was my fault, if your customer service rocked like you so proudly write in bold 2000pt font everywhere, you woduln't tell me to my face that it was my fault 10 times. First rule of customer service: the customer is always right.
The sad part is, I am still gonna order form you guys, cuz you are the only ones with the part I want...
Hopefully take 2 will go smoother. :roll:
You only heard one end of the conversation. She said it was a problem on my end. And then, not even trying to blame you guys, I nicely said, well, i think paypal might have messed up. She responded - cutting me off before i finshed my sentence - "no, it was a problem on your end" And that cycle was repeated several times with slightly different wording, which is what ticked me off. I mean, i didn't even try to blame you or your company, and it kept getting turned around into blame on me. I simply said it must have been a server error on paypal's part, no biggie.I am sorry for the way you feel your phone call was handled by Deanna. I was in the shop while she spoke with you and I feel she was not out of line with how she handled your call.
Finally, I did get more BTA's today and I had every intention in contacting you to let you know I had one set aside for you before I put them into my website for sale.
But after reading your unnecessary vulgar post in my section, I ask my self WHY?
It would have been a chance to redeem yourself in my books. I didn't make that post till almost 4. Thats around closing i believe. I never recieved an answer to my email last night. Basically, what your telling me is that since I had a bad experience with you, you are not even gonna bother trying to make it better, but instead, intentionally start ignoring my emails and not even try to service me? My emails were in no way hostile or vulgar. They were 2 or 3 liners asking simple questions.
Apparently, you REALLY don't want my money
And another E mail at 9:06 And because I did not E mail back right away, you post here telling me I am ignoring and not providing service because I did not Email back after your last Email at 9:00 PM
Finally, I did get more BTA's today and I had every intention in contacting you to let you know I had one set aside for you before I put them into my website for sale.
But after reading your unnecessary vulgar post in my section, I ask my self WHY?
Sorry, but you are also jumping to conclusions and clearly not reading what I am writing.
Firstly, note the dates on those emails you posted pics of. All of my emails were BEFORE your post replying to me the first time. In fact, they were the day before.
Secondly, the lack of reply on its own isn't why i thought you were ignoring me, its the fact that you actually stated in your post that you intentionally decided not to reply:
Thirdly, the final response you made was jsut before your post jsut now, 2 days later, again which I am not upset about, its a saturday, and I thought you were clsoed on friday, so both were days off.
I also need to use spell check more
Lastly, I must request you remove those pics. You can quote my emails, but please don't show my email address to the world. I have multiple other addresses for junk mail. It's not easy to get an account with your first name and no numbers without using your own email server (which is unreliable). I really don't want that account riddled with junk. :mrgreen:
EDIT: Thankyou for removing them.
Anyhow, please read my latest email. I thought we were over this...
My latest 2 emails (while we are at throwing around emails, which were at one point private):
"Thanks. I was not trying to be disrespectful. I was trying to be nice on the phone, and I felt like I was being disrespected. I just tried to voice that. I don't see how I was walking all over you or your employees. Like I said before, if she simply hadn't cut me off mid sentence multiple times, I would not have thought twice about what happened. Even then, I did not even raise my voice on the phone, because I understand you are humn, and she might have been having a bad day.
Lastly, Thank you for letting me know I don't have to spend extra on shipping. FYI: stuff like that makes a difference to me. Like I said, it;s how you handle it that will affect my long term perception of your company. "
AND (after i made the order)
"So, it worked this time, and I got a payment reciept, so I know it went through. I also figured out why this may have happened, and why you have "abandoned cart". It shoudl be an easy fix. Basically, you have your server/site setup to finalize the order, and send the confirmation email BEFORE it redirects your to paypal. Then, once you have made a payment, a second confirmation screen is displayed. You might have your server run the scripts for creating the order and sending the confirmation emails on the second confirmation screen instead. This should help prevent confusion in the future, and reduce the number of unpaid invoices you see. ;-) This way, if someone abandons the cart before paying, they won't get a confirmation, and you won't ever know they were there.
In my particular case, I believe what happened is that the server never redirected me to paypal, so I assumed I was done. This time, it worked, as it normally would, I saw a few pages I didn't see before, although I still received the confirmation mail before being redirected to paypal. Glitches do happen.
Sutyen Zalawadia
if i order mip driveshafts for the losi mini crawler to i need to add two or one? the title say Fr/R does that mean front and rear or that the driveshaft works in thefront or rear?
thanksHi just need to order 1 pack and that gives both front and rear drive shafts for 1 truck "thumbsup"