I, along with everyone else on this thred would like to say that you have a greate looking web site. Your products are at a fair price, and in many instances a little less than other venders offer them for. I have but one gripe about your service. I don't like your one size fits all shipping charges. When buying larger items or kits, it's great service, but when only buying small parts, it's too much, and in fact it has prevented me from ordering my parts from you.
From reading all the posts, it's clear that you do not use the least expensive shipping service, and thats fine if I need something fast, I will pay the extra. But why don't you offer some alternitives for shipping. I don't always need my items yesterday, and if I do, I will pay extra for faster shipping.
One item that I am looking for at this time is shown in stock on your web site, and costs about $5. Paying $9 to ship a $5 item is a bit left of stupid, if you ask me. I'm not asking you to ship for free, just give your customers the chance to opt for a less expensive method of shipping, expecially on some of the smaller, less expensive parrts.
Thanks for listening to me.