I wanna be Dave
Well, I had lost interest in super for a while since the nationals. So I figure I need to get things together for the '08 season. What better way to start than by machinind some cool new parts. I am still waiting on a replacement JP knuckle for my shiny purple one. Anyway I got to spend some time in the shop this afternoon and I started stretching the truck out from 18" to 20" on the wheel base with some shiny new .5" delrin links. They seem like they will hold up nicely. I also switched over to revo rod ends with 4mm inserts to help cure my steady diet of rod ends. While I was in there I swapped back to brushless with a pair of BM-16 from the Crawler Store in antisipation of the new firmware release from Castle. I also made room for my new 5000 mah 4 cell lipo from the good people at MaxAmps.com. Wheelspeed seems spot on for my taste with 6 tooths and 16 volts. Any way I got the rear done at work, I still have to do the front tonight, more pics to come as I finish up this upgrade."thumbsup" I also swaped back to t-maxx shocks.