TF2. HH BRXL waterproof, Hitec HS7954sh steering, basic stock type servo for shifting. 1.55 Rock Stompers on stock wheels. 2S or 3S batteries on 35 turn lathe motor. Bobbed bed. Still have lots of detail work to do (inner fenders, antenna, misc detail paint, scale accessories like hilift jack and other tools to be bolted on). Would like to do a winch but only have a 3 channel radio. May use one of my Spektrum air radios (DX6E) if I go that route. Only rig I actually ever use my winches on are the servo winch on my TTC rig though. So I may just bolt one on for looks. Pic from this evenings thrashing. I really beat on it, jumps, full throttle hill climbs, lots of rocks. it took it all and not any issues other then loss of paint 8) .
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