Maiden voyage yesterday out at Bean Hollow. I was very pleased with the performance, it is the most composed of any of my vehicles - smooth and predictable. I will add high clearance rear links to gain a bit more breakover, and I also ended up with a broken front axle housing. Will replace it for now with another stock plastic one, but if it happens again it'll get an aluminum one. The bottom back corners of the front fenders caught quite a few times so need to trim a bit there, also on the very rear of the body. Something is also not quite right with the power system - it needs more punch. I have an Axe 1800 in my Capra, and a 2300 in the UMG10, and both will pop nicely, but this one doesn't have the same snap. Might be the battery isn't supplying enough juice (rated 120C though), so some playing/swapping needed in this area.

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