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My makeshift rear swaybar....

X-ray man

Sep 1, 2014
Hey..just wanted to share a few pics of my swaybar modification. I had this thing laying around and finally founds a use for it. I ran the car all day and the bar has helped unbelievable while still allowing crawling ability, hope to see something on the market soon..thanks for lookingsorry for the picture format, not sure what's up...
I thought Axial included a sway bar with it?

That looks really good man!

I hope the aftermarket jumps all over this truck/buggy/??? Monster?
There's a sway bar for the Yeti Jr. Nothing for the XL. Yet. This home-brew solution looks great though, were you running 6 cell?
Nice work. You can also take a metal coat hanger and cut the straight part off the bottom. Bend into the shape of the lowers as a "U" and zip tie to lower links. Ghetto but I have done that on other rigs for a quick fix. The XL may require a little thicker metal or two coat hanger straights. Lol. Maybe 1/8, 3/32 or 5/32 wire.

10th picture down, in this post.


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Hey imthatguy....yes I'm running 6s, before the vehicle would easily roll over on even fairly slow turns but the bar has truly eliminated that issue...I can fly through turns and the car stays planted...the bar is 4mm thick and I believe made of steel with a chrome coating...it is very rigid not something that can be bent by hand so easily...the coat hanger is also a great idea but this bar is probably 10x the strength..it is from an old 1/5 fg car.....I believe FG was bought over by another company and the vehicles are currently no longer produced...I hear they are just selling off existing stock so with some effort I'm sure these bars can be located if interested.....would love to see some other solutions but if you are looking to really stop that twisting motion when the car is punched this will do it...at full throttle off the line the vehicle no longer lifts and twist...just wheelies....