Rock Crawler
had fun today, i was good putting faces to names hope you guy's had fun let us know how round two went. take care.8)
Settle down DUK there coming, you scale rig trail dogJustgoinslow lets see the pics!! Lol
Jeepfreak me and my son would love to support your logo can we get some stickersI tell you what guy's. I really need to get my wife to let me back in the house. It's getting to be to cold in the garage to build. I haven't posted in a while but we're not dead yet, just in hibernation. I am very interested in an indoor get together soon and since I have alot of big rocks that I collected from up north this summer and they are no longer frozen to the ground I would be willing to bring them along.:lol: I would be putting them in my garage if the Jeep was not in about 1000 peices and I could get more than one other person in there besides my self. Don't count us out yet!!!
P.S. Still trying to find anyone that wants any of these winsheild banners.