Need stock or better tranny for scx10, mine went So. while testing for KOG. Thanks guys.
okay i am gonna ask the group for some help ..........
i am looking for some stock take off parts from a wraith
i am looking for stock front axle shafts ( dog bones ? and outer stubs )
also need stock rear axle shafts
I have quite a few dog bone setups. I strongly recommend you don't install them though. Dog bones will cause breakage actually. They will oversteer and end up Breaking knuckles and C's. I strongly recommend just buying the Axial universals, not top cad, not integy, nothing else.
Stock rear shafts, you'll probably need to buy new because most people don't replace the stock shafts.
yeah i know i would be better off with the universals but money and time are an issue so that is why i was going to use the stock axles for now .....
trying to get this rig together for crawlapalooza