Rock Stacker
Well it looks like my Savage is down and out... I was running it in front of my house a little bit ago and the stupid thing decided it would take off after another car. Well it didnt stop and kept going full throttle right at some neighbors houses. I took off running as fast as i could trying to see if i could get it back into range. I finally heard a smack and a loud grinding noise and thats when i knew it had hit something, Uh oh. The grinding noise didnt stop until i got with in 50ft of it. I thought i destroyed it completly. Luckily it went into a storm drained and was stopped dead in its tracks. Close call but i stripped a bunch of gears and rounded 2 of the tires. Nothing else broke and the only reason the gears stripped is because the beast of a motor puts out 3HP on 6S. There another $100, not a good day for me...