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KCRC - Kansas City Remote Crawlers -

What's going on at the CSC today?! How are we doin'?
Hope you guys are kickin' A$$ and takin' names!

Hey Adam, if we contribute to her cause, then does that mean KCRC will
have a contractual Spokesmodel for events? And will she uphold the KCRC name in all her future endeavors...?
I think we need pics before we commit to anything...:ror:
3 in the finals for Losing Pro Spec Class.... Josh took 1st, fat Jesus took 3rd, and Rwolertz(Rob) took fifth in second ever Comp! Once again KCRC dominated. ;)
That was a long freaking weekend....

I spend way too much money when I am around a big hobby shop. Between the 4 guys in our car we came home with 8 more RTR cars then we went up there with. We had a total of 17 running rigs in our car when we left! :shock:
Just a quick Thank You to everyone that was in Omaha this weekend. Riv, thanks for putting up with my chatty kathy ass in the truck, Jeff, thanks for everything. Fat Jesus, your jedi soldering skills are strong. Not so fat Jesus, thanks for getting upset, and making us all laugh, 5.5! Josh, Thank you for letting me run 2.2 with your rig and radio! Paul, thanks for spending more than me this weekend! Rob, AWESOME job driving today! I really am blessed to have found a bunch of other "little kids" to hang out with on the weekends! Thanks Again.
That was a long freaking weekend....

I spend way too much money when I am around a big hobby shop. Between the 4 guys in our car we came home with 8 more RTR cars then we went up there with. We had a total of 17 running rigs in our car when we left! :shock:
No kidding. While I had a good time, I was ready to head home around noon today. :ror: Watching you guys burn money was fun.:lmao: We figure it had alot to do with being in a hobby shop that actually has inventory.

Just a quick Thank You to everyone that was in Omaha this weekend. Riv, thanks for putting up with my chatty kathy ass in the truck, Jeff, thanks for everything. Fat Jesus, your jedi soldering skills are strong. Not so fat Jesus, thanks for getting upset, and making us all laugh, 5.5! Josh, Thank you for letting me run 2.2 with your rig and radio! Paul, thanks for spending more than me this weekend! Rob, AWESOME job driving today! I really am blessed to have found a bunch of other "little kids" to hang out with on the weekends! Thanks Again.

You guys made for a fun road trip. Chat all you want, it keeps me from falling asleep while driving.. :ror:
Here Josh..... This is how I roll the berg!!!!!
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Had a great time this weekend, thanks for all the help from everyone I learned a lot about the electronics side of it. Now I have to go work some overtime that was a very expensive weekend, but that was a awesome hobby shop.
Good job aaron s 3rd IN both 2.2 and 1.9 and Josh for first in 1.9 and 5th in 2.2 way to go guys
I had a great time with you all cant wait for the next comp and all of our kc guys did very good over all

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
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KC & The Sunshine Gang, Josh & crew thanks for showing up and kicking a## at our event you guys are alway a blast. For the guys who stayed home we changed Fat Jesus to "The Aaron" and his side kick "Mini Me" (little Aaron) since he whooped his a##. Let us know when we can come down and comp with you guys in KC! And next time Mini Me I'll take you down and screw this tie deal oh and Paul, next time bring your husband to drive he may do better. :lmao:
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KC & The Sunshine Gang, Josh & crew thanks for showing up and kicking a## at our event you guys are alway a blast. For the guys who stayed home we changed Fat Jesus to "The Aaron" and his side kick "Mini Me" (little Aaron) since he whooped his a##. Let us know when we can come down and comp with you guys in KC! And next time Mini Me I'll take you down and screw this tie deal oh and Paul, next time bring your husband to drive he may do better. :lmao:

Sumbitch! Rich... would you build me a rig that could make me as AWESOME as you are?
Jk man, it was still a great time as it always is with you whining, sniveling babies! 8 )
Unless anyone has any problems lets shift our next two comps back one week each. This will be the plan unless anyone has a major conflict. I want to set this now so Sam can make sure to get days switched since I know he works on Saturdays. We'll try to keep the schedule as consistant as possible for the rest of the season. If we can work around people though of course we would like to.