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Hobbywing Fusion Pro in Bully


Mar 23, 2022
I am new to the MOA world. Have just ordered my bully moa kit, but it didn't come yet. I am thinking about installing 2 Hobbywing fusion pro motors. The idea of not having to buy and install 2 separate ESCs seems very attractive. Plus, already have this motor in another lcg rig and i find it awesome. The one concern is the sise. I read that it is too long too long (58 mm) and does not fit between the lower leg nks. If that is the case (which i can check in a few days) maybe i will bend the links to make it fit. Will see. Are there any other problems that i might have with this motor that i do not know about? For example maybe it js too heavy compared to let's say some HolmesHobbies motors that are popular for MOAs? But the weight doesn't seem like a huge problem, considering that it sits low on the axels. Is there anything i may be missing which might be a show-stopper?

The fusion's are definitely worth trying. I like the idea of not having to fit 2 ESCs in a chassis. The guy in the video works at my LHS his name is Tyler. He is pretty sharp with crawler systems.
I have 2 MOAs myself. I tried other systems but they were a bit tricky to run with my Spectrum. I have since changed to a Sanwa MT4. They are unicorns now and not cheap if you can even find one, but they work awsome. There is a thumb lever that controls both motors. Full stop rear dig, full stop front...rear burn and any combination in between.
I like the setup Tyler used, for not having full motor controls the digs are what you use the most.
If you bend the links you may need longer link ends to make up for shortening them with a bend. A bent link end may work better than a straight one ro help it not bind up.
I hope your decision works for you. Definitely reach out to Tyler for help if you need it. He works at RCMadness in Enfield Connecticut. Good luck, let us know how it works out.
I like the look of this thread, I've just ordered up the bully 2 kit.
I've got crappy electrics kicking about to get up and running, but I was also considering the fusion pro option for this, once I'm ready to throw more money at it.
If you go that way, let us know how you get on.
Thanks to all for the replies. I have been researching the topic for the last few days. So far what i gathered is as follows.
The fusions will indeed require some modifications. Some people bend the links, others claim that they were able to work around just by rotating them and/or swapping rod ends and/or relocating them to different mounting points. In any case it doesn't look terribly hard to do and seem to be achievable with what is available in the kit already.
The main drawback of this configuration that is mentioned is somewhat limited steering angle and suspension configuration options (some say that these limitations are minimal and do not affect the performance a lot though). There are people who already installed even larger fusions (not the pro versions) and seem to be happy with them. The topic with the fusions in bullys seems to be very hot at the moment as i see that several people asking questions about them and/or planning their builds with them. Still it ist a bit of a grey area. Everyone has their own opinion. Most of those people that already installed fusions love them. I will give it a try. In the worst case i will have 2 awesome motors for my future builds and will have to spend another $400 on HH electronics. Will update here on the progress!
Thanks to all for the replies. I have been researching the topic for the last few days. So far what i gathered is as follows.
The fusions will indeed require some modifications. Some people bend the links, others claim that they were able to work around just by rotating them and/or swapping rod ends and/or relocating them to different mounting points. In any case it doesn't look terribly hard to do and seem to be achievable with what is available in the kit already.
The main drawback of this configuration that is mentioned is somewhat limited steering angle and suspension configuration options (some say that these limitations are minimal and do not affect the performance a lot though). There are people who already installed even larger fusions (not the pro versions) and seem to be happy with them. The topic with the fusions in bullys seems to be very hot at the moment as i see that several people asking questions about them and/or planning their builds with them. Still it ist a bit of a grey area. Everyone has their own opinion. Most of those people that already installed fusions love them. I will give it a try. In the worst case i will have 2 awesome motors for my future builds and will have to spend another $400 on HH electronics. Will update here on the progress!

So? Whats the progress?
There's a YT video of a guy who's running a pair of the Fusion 1800s (non Pro) which are actually longer than the Pro.
It looks like he's bent the links on the can side to allow for clearance. I think it would be worth bending or fabbing up new links to get rid of two ESCs on the chassis.
Great YT vid but it's not ideal for the FS gt5. I can't get my dig working with my fusions.
How do it do it.?