So here is what I found from running this rig..
1. This is NOT a pro rig! For my courses all I did was narrow up the pro gates we were running.. And changed a few of the tall ledges, due to the shorter wheel base of this rig.
2. I need to adjust my expectations BIG time! The problem was I was going out, expecting this rig to do (not exactly, but close) what my pro rig could do. The much narrower trackwidth totally changes the game. As well as the shorter wheelbase.
After the first pack I was honestly disappointed. But after some thinking, We will be running these on the same courses as the Mini Crawlers. A mini course is NOTHING like a pro course.. the breakovers, sidehills, verticals, downhills.. everything is different! I have never setup or ran official mini courses. So I couldn't set up anything that resembled one.
In the video, you can see on gate 3, I really struggle with that vertical.. That vertical wouldn't exist on a mini course. So what I am thinking is once this rig is on the correct course, it should do a lot better?
3. These RC4WD Bully tires are NOT impressive. They will be getting changed out very shortly. But, they did show me what I wanted to know. As far as the width goes, they are perfect. But, height could honestly be shorter. Going back to running these rigs on mini courses, Having a shorter tire on this rig, would definitely help with the COG. This rig has good COG, but being so narrow effects it tremendously. The height is not needed for a mini course either. The tallest mini tire is 4.75", then you have as skid with a transmission on it. This is a pro chassis, so with short tires, you will still have all the skid clearance you need.These are right about 5.5", I am thinking somewhere around 5" would be perfect.
Being a new class, with nothing to judge against, its very hard to say what is good, what works, what sucks, ect.. Erik has pointed that out about his rig as well. I think Worlds is going to be very interesting"thumbsup"