I wanna be Dave
ok i have a bunch of online gear calc's that don't do what i'm looking for them to do, i doubt i will find one either....and i did a search to find one that will allow me to input my gear info from pinion/spur to tranny gears....i also want to use my gear input from a transfer case also, plus there is the ring/pinion diff gear ratio also i want to use also....i think to better understand what i'm after is the final wheel speed/axle rotation at the hub :lmao: ....i know the math to find the ratio's of each set of gears from pinion/spur, tranny, transfer case and diff's....but i'm looking to find how each output shaft RPM will effect each componet after each other right on out to the axle RPM....i know i need to start with motor there such a beast of a calc that will let me input all the ratio's of each componet i have or is there a math-matical process to get what i'm after or am i just gonna have to try different gears in each unit to find what works best for what i'm looking for "thumbsup" ....i know i know :roll: ........bob