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esc motor question


Rock Stacker
Sep 8, 2012
Been out of the hobby for a long while... I see there are out runners used for crawling now. I also see they are paired with the like of Holmes hobby v3 and rhino. Can these be used for in runners as well? is there a difference for ESC between out and in running motors? Can my old castle mamba max pro sct(green sticker circa 2012ish) be ok running an out runner?

I am afraid a sct ESC isnt the best for a crawler....you have basically no slow speed modulation.

:lmao: noob

The Mamba Max Pro (MMP for short) used to be the crawler ESC to get for many years before Castle released the Mamba X. The BEC was weak. Unless they have updated the firmware in the past few years, it will be lacking some features that newer ESCs have but it will work fine. Major downside of running an outrunner with it is the awful noise it will make.

The Crawlmaster V3, Rhino, or other AM32 based ESCs make outrunners silent. Thats why they have become so much more popular over the past few years. Those ESCs, like the vast majority of outrunners are sensorless.
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Can these be used for in runners as well?


Can my old castle mamba max pro sct(green sticker circa 2012ish) be ok running an out runner?


Any 3 wire ESC can run any type of 3 wire motor, inrunner or outrunner.

My Copperhead runs a Holmes stubby, and it's quite loud but works perfectly.

My MMP Runs a std. size Holmes outrunner and it's quieter, but still has a pretty good whine to it.

My $35 cheap chinese ESC runs a first gen Holmes outrunner, and it's dead quiet. No idea why, but it does not have the low speed resolution the newer ones do. My monster E-flite Outrunner motor uses the same cheap ESC, and it's quiet too.
No offense but I really doubt that those ESCs are even close to current offers...inrunner or outrunner ...doesent matter.:flipoff: For a trail rig it will be ok.

You said no "slow speed modulation", which is definitely not the case. The software allows for excellent tuning of throttle curve. They can be very smooth and are capable of pumping more current than a crawler will use.

They arent waterproof, the BEC is weak, and unless they've updated firmware in the past 6 or so years since I've used one, drag brake is instant so full throttle to letting off the throttle means front flip. I dont think they had the "active drag brake" or whatever its called either.

There are definitely better options available at this point, but they are still a decent ESC.