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Capra TH TRIM, ST TRIM and DIG all work, but nothing else


Aug 13, 2024
My Capra stopped working while I was using it.

- Turning "TH TRIM" all the way on the transmitter will make the vehicle go forward slowly.
- turning "TH ST" back and forth will make the steering turn a little, each way.
- dig motor works

I am unable to get any response from the trigger or wheel. I did run the Capra thru some shallow creek water some time before this, but it was by no means submerged and probably didn't go past the belly pan (could have splashed up there, tho).

Thoughts on troubleshooting steps?

Assuming everything worked prior to the water, that's likely your culprit. Plenty of "waterproof" RXs prove to not like water.

The good news is that often once your RX dries out it will work just fine again. That typically takes between a few hours and a day.

Do you have any other RXs around that you can swap in for troubleshooting?
No spares, but looks like it's pretty cheap replacement part... *edit* seems the stock RX for capra is discontinued... recommendation?
my bros Futaba RX case is taken apart and filled with dielectric grease. otherwise its useless
I soak my electronics in Corrision X. Radiolink and Hitec Lynx 4s
with the little info i have my first guess would be a low battery in the radio
if your trim knobs are doing something its not a reciver problem most likely the radio itself
it also could be the capras battery
if its not a power issue i would guess the radio is just rtr junk telling you its time to upgrade
That's what I was thinking - the receiver is getting signals to steer and push forward from the trim knobs. And tx and car batteries are tested good. Just gonna buy a replacement tx/rx from amazon and see what happens.
That's what I was thinking - the receiver is getting signals to steer and push forward from the trim knobs. And tx and car batteries are tested good. Just gonna buy a replacement tx/rx from amazon and see what happens.
check to make sure there isent somekind of setting that got screwed up maybe see if there is some kinda reset procedure and see.if that dose anything
Thanks for all the replies. I took it to the local hobby shop and they concluded same thing - trans or receiver probably pooched. I just bought a new trans/receiver combo. Flysky GT2... cheap and easy. I never use the dig, so 2 channel is fine. Back up and running. Thanks for the helps!