Hey guys, the best thing to do to support your second amendment rights is to use them.
Starting tomorrow it's "buy a gun week" please do what you can to go out and get yourself a nice new gun.
Starting tomorrow it's "buy a gun week" please do what you can to go out and get yourself a nice new gun.
I bought this domain name, and am about to pay some starving student to set it up. It will be for the week of 4th of July (6/28-7/6). The plan is to build our numbers by adding new gun owners, putting the "someday" buyers on a timeline, and directly supporting our manufacturers, distributers, and retailers, who are embattled by ATF BS and lawsuits. The timing is important, as it is an election year, and our mainstream candidates are anti-gun, we have a tax rebate check coming, and the 2nd ammendment is up for debate in the SCOTUS, as if it is a question. There has been lots of recent activity on the pro-gun/anti-gun battleground, katrina gun seizures, the NRA supported the "veterans disarmament act", the normal kalifornia crap, but lots of good CCW stuff is happening at state levels especially on college campuses, and it would be good to get these people off of the fence. This is an equal opportunity deal, flame free even if you are dying for a nickle plated desert eagle with snakeskin grips, a .22 for plinking, or something evil. Most of us started with a long gun and a NRA trucker hat, then we started paying attention. Buy guns to give to your kids when they are older. If you are a private sales only guy, drop some coin on ammo, accessories, gear, etc.
Same week Open carry, fill the gunracks, engage in some conversations, take a non owner shooting, bring some visibility to the safe, responsible, legal firearms ownership.
Can't be a one day deal, 'cause FBI will shut down NICS for maintenance again.
Ammo Day (Nov 19) is after the election, and too narrow, as it only targets current gun owners, and is too close to Christmas to afford much spending.
Buy a Gun Day (Apr 15 tax day) was a pretty quiet affair, I didn't hear about it until today, and most people it seemed bought them private party, which doesn't increase guns in circulation or help the industry.
The people who I have proposed this to have taken to it and pledged to buy during this time period. I plan to contact those in the industry and ask them to time sales/promotions for this event. I need all the help I can get to get this on the boards, dinner tables, lunchroom etc. I do not plan on this being a commercial enterprise, though I may do some tshirts or bumper stickers to offset costs. Doc said I could run it w/o a yellow star if I don't make any money.
Bring all ideas and criticism.
Tell friends to buy guns for 4th of July
get some politicians panties in a bunch
give tax refund money to gun makers so they can fight hillary
make noise
legally openly carry to remind people that the 2nd ammendment is not a privilege and we are not all bitches or freaks