Ten years ago we did a build off in honor of my daughter that passed away and timed it with the release of Tamiya’s new (at the time) CC01 FJ Cruiser. The build off was exclusive to the old site scale4x4. There were several entries and some really awesome and unique builds.
I recently was going through some photos after tinkering with this ten year old truck. The only build thread that was done existed on scale4x4 which is no longer around. Since I still have this truck I figured I’d share something here in the CC01 section. Ten years late but here you go.
I purchased the CC01 FJ Cruiser kit and wanted to try to stick with mostly Tamiya parts since Tamiya was one of the sponsors of the build off and donated some cool prizes.
This is how the truck stands today.

Here it is with my daughter’s CC01 FJC

I recently was going through some photos after tinkering with this ten year old truck. The only build thread that was done existed on scale4x4 which is no longer around. Since I still have this truck I figured I’d share something here in the CC01 section. Ten years late but here you go.
I purchased the CC01 FJ Cruiser kit and wanted to try to stick with mostly Tamiya parts since Tamiya was one of the sponsors of the build off and donated some cool prizes.
This is how the truck stands today.

Here it is with my daughter’s CC01 FJC