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Bay City or Tri Citys MI

Head's up' I think "Farmer" is Our new Prez-ident. now

Yup', I think we're all going to Like "Famer",... and now.! I hope that *MiRCa* can start moving forward again... (( Sent that out today_*BONE*_So' it's coming to ya' brotha' ))...and thank's again & sorry for keeping ya' wait'ing,__Scoot'er.
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Probably not to happy with the way the vote turned out:neutral: I hope to get to meet up with you guys soon. Do one of you mind shooting me a pm with the address of where you guys crawl. Maybe I could make it up Sunday.

don't leave darrin it wouldn't be the same with you gone. we all have fun and at the core of it all thats what we do and why we do it is to have fun. if you didn't like the way things turned out. theirs always a spot for you and the rest of the crew with us.... don't leave the party is just gettin started.
He maybe thinking of building something new.?! I hope

But,... I plan to be a "Tri City Crawler" & a "MiRCa" Crawler... This year, and I think those are the two best club's that offer me the best choice's & people... and all of the Awesome new freind's that I've made between those two club's alone.!!! has been just AWESOME to me and that is what matter's,... and the warm wellcome's & freindship's and getting together JUST to have some FUN... Are worth more then you'd think too. (( But, if Darren was to throw in the Towel,... Then, it would have a chain reaction that would follow))...Scoot'er.

I have been where you are at - just not happy hanging with the current crew. Please don't leave the hobby over it though - instead, find another crew. I drive up to 3 hours at times to run with one of my "crews" and its worth every mile. This is such a great hobby - don't give it up over that - its not worth it.
Never let someone take what you enjoy away from you. I have seen people leave the hobby due to others, and I feel for them. People leave racing due to the hazing of being the new guy, or maybe not having the best stuff to hit the track with.

these people , NOT YOU, are the ones who should leave the hobby. This is about fellowship, friendship, and a sharing of enjoyment for the hobby that we all love to be consumed by.

hardship and financial reasons have pulled me down, but never out of the hobby- nothing can take me completely out. it's my release, my sanctuary, my haven. I know i am not alone in feeling that way. R/C gives you a release that only it can- don't let this be taken, stripped from you by the sake of a few.

I drive nearly 7 hours round trip to run with the Tri City crew, and it's worth every mile. I bust my ass, am usually sick, and completely worn out after Bashfest- and I love every minute of it.

It's a passion that you can't let go of - nor should anyone take it from you. Stay strong, and don't let the actions of others dictate what you do buddy.

If nothing else, come on up to my town- you ALWAYS have a friend and fellow rc-r to hang with.
