Never let someone take what you enjoy away from you. I have seen people leave the hobby due to others, and I feel for them. People leave racing due to the hazing of being the new guy, or maybe not having the best stuff to hit the track with.
these people , NOT YOU, are the ones who should leave the hobby. This is about fellowship, friendship, and a sharing of enjoyment for the hobby that we all love to be consumed by.
hardship and financial reasons have pulled me down, but never out of the hobby- nothing can take me completely out. it's my release, my sanctuary, my haven. I know i am not alone in feeling that way. R/C gives you a release that only it can- don't let this be taken, stripped from you by the sake of a few.
I drive nearly 7 hours round trip to run with the Tri City crew, and it's worth every mile. I bust my ass, am usually sick, and completely worn out after Bashfest- and I love every minute of it.
It's a passion that you can't let go of - nor should anyone take it from you. Stay strong, and don't let the actions of others dictate what you do buddy.
If nothing else, come on up to my town- you ALWAYS have a friend and fellow rc-r to hang with.