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Bay City or Tri Citys MI

I guess I can't read

My wife's going to be working on Saturday now so I won't be able to make it. Hopefully I can catch up the following week.
Your posts only count in the tech section:roll: If you go start posting (Cool truck, Nice tires, etc,etc,etc.)tring to get your post up they will be deleted also.:roll::roll:
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some pics of the last few days work.




working from chnl 4 on my React

setup with full unsprung front droop using X1-CR FTE rear shocks


side hilling should be better, should still crawl well, though i may drag a bit up front now (hopefully not Too much). and i get more extension with the FTE rear shocks.

and Nicks Gift being trimmed and fit. will put a cross member in soon.


cant wait till saturday
wifey just left for arizona for 5 days - i will miss her.:-(

so, where's the racin' - where's the crawlin ' - where's the ladies - :shock:
oops i mean where's the....the....gosh - i'm just so excited. love her to death but the break (once a year) is nice.

see you sat - Li-po fun here we come !!!

mmmmmmmmm - chocolate cake :ror::ror::ror:

Thanks Chris, I'm a little slow some times. Tim I can't tell but are your front tires scraping the schocks when you turn. Almost looked like that in the photos. The whole rig is lookin good. I'm going to pm you later, only have a few seconds of time right now.
Hey,Nick' I'm thinking of adding a Lil' sand runaway too

Yup'... I want to be able to do burn out in about a 4 x 12 foot Area.! be kinda cool to thru the paddle down in to and then just punch it... And thru sand everywhere.. that a be fun__Huh.?!! And I know ya' love the sand dune's too. Maybe we could do some Lil' fast time's coming outta this sand drag lane. ((The layout has been all change around for the last time now...And it's alot better now, then it ever was before too... Now all I got to do is finish up hand packing about,... 8 more "60 lbs bag of ready-mix"...!!! And then it should be ready for "Me & ya all's" to test out...I'm, going back down there and taking some new pic's tonite. And I should have bernie post them up on here later this week.... I have'nt seen him this week yet,... And he's suppose to be helping with finishing up with all that motar',__ too. It's about all that's left to do now. And it's take's time,... You know that much nick"....I'll, Sure be glad when this sucka's all done & over with___Seem's like it's Been taking me like forever nowto have it all done. **Trust me will ya'__When this sucka's is all done__ it's going to be Sweet' too Brotha's** .TTYL-Scoot'er.
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No..! just a 4 x 12 foot Area "Lil' drag Strip" like Nick'.!

Sand ??? Ya going to build a mini version of silver lake in your basement.
Just to have a Lil' runway like,...((Small sand drag strip)... To Do Hole shot's in.! And just to be able to play around with the sand paddle tire's... and to be able to run some homemade 2wd sand dragger's__ Whatta heck'...Yeah, I maybe add some sand to it too__Scoot'er

You could probably use the sand when setting a race rock coarse. That would make for a fun speed section. Just a thought."thumbsup"
Man',... this ready-mix is HELL on your Hand's..*Pain*

Welp',...Seem's like This is taking forever..! But it's coming along slowly ( you got to let it set up for a time ,... and then go back and hit it again)... There's alot left to do yet'.. But I see how much work has gone into making your's nick'... Just wish I had a bunch of fella's helping me on the weekend's..!!! That would of push this ahead by about two week's I'd say... oooh well Just hope when it finish you all will know how much dammm work whent into building it__Damm - it__I want to Crawl on it soon...Scoot'.

I'm hoping that neighbor of Tim's will sell me his rig this weekend. If not I found a place on ebay that will sell me an axial 10 and all of the extras. It may not be the best electronics or radio. But it can get me started. Just waiting to hear back from Tim."thumbsup"
I got the Tekin fx-r hooked up. Its pretty sweet. But I had a hell of a time trying to solder on the little posts that thing has. I need more beer to get rid of this head ache......lol now if only that lipo would show up. :roll:

Hope to see many of you guys saturday "thumbsup"