It's just got change'd around again... That's half the work."We" keep see'ing something to try or add... then stand back and look at it and think_Hmmm.?!!... and then either add it, or rip it back out & try some thing else... It come's to ya'...! As you go along with it. And it seem's then each day I see something different then what I was thinking of,... Or something seem's to just fall into place. __ Welp'... I'm heading back down there for the weekend..*Have fun,... For ya' a know what I'll be doing..Huh*. And I'll have bernie'... Post up the new pic's of how it's all going to look by sunday.! Then we are going to have to give it a few day's to harden up again.....((Yes' it's a PAIN Nick'_ But it also a labour of love too))__Reckon so'__ .Scoot'er.Yup scoot Its looking Like your making some progress. Keep it Up! I know its hard work. Hand packing all that mortor is a pain in the a$$.