That's suck's i know for my dauther got hit with one just before X-mas and it fry'd her brand new touch screen desktop that she paid all cash for just a week before that happened. And just had a pc' guy she know's check it all out for her and then just tell her it's now "JUNK",___Scoot'er.Hey Guys! Just a FYI. When I used Photobucket the other day I got a bad virus and it has made my laptop almost unusable.:-( Gonna have to have a comp. guy fix it. But I wanted to let you know so it doesnt happen to you. I read another guys post in the for sale section that it happend to him as well.
Well Guys are we ready to run tomorrow!!!! I know I am.
___The chevy in the first pic' look's all right an all,...But ya' gotta' get that green off of all them ring's for it don't go with that shade of blue on the fender's/ they should be either polish' or gun blued'....Ya think...?!! Welp' just my two'-bit's worth o shit'. ~Scoot'~