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Bay City or Tri Citys MI

What The!

Chris! Only 2 people plus myself showed up sunday! Where are all the Tri City Crawlers at? Ya I know this is a busy time of the year .
i was stuck behind schedual in lexington. i didn't get back to baycity untill after 5pm... and i have to work next weekend but i think i'm goin to do it like i use to and come crawl then go to work...
I'll be coming up for a sunday of just hanging out,- B.S.'ing and doing some crawling with ya's Nick'. -(( Just let me get the bill's paid & etc' first of all))- Then I could just pack up all my R/c stuff' and just head on up to see ya' all's again. I've been looking forward to doing just that for so long a time now,...Huh. And I'd surely just let you and the rest of the fella's help me to throw a scaler' together with all the goodie's that I've been saving up' for to long a time now'.And I surely know that It a be all good' to get away from it all for a day. And also to meet up with ya' all's again and get back to fiddling with my crawler's'.--{ PLUS,...I'm going to be building up a whole new indoor' rock' course allover again this winter. So' I'd be able to just stay at home' mostly and be all warm and comfy',...ya know's. And still be able to crawl all I'd want to "INDOOR'S" as well. Welp'...That's my plan' for this cold ass michigan winter that is about to unfold apond us soon anuff,...ya know bro'. ~ol'Scoot'er~
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hey nick do you need any more rocks cause i'm pulling a load from my brothers house pretty soon and woundered if you needed any more as i build my rock garden..
Yup guys! I had to pull the course out becouse I have a couple of large projects going on. I realy didnt want to. but I realy didnt have a choice.
Bummer dude. If I bring over beers some sunday can I still hangout? :sad:

Dang, just when I got a new crawler project going. Guess it will just become a zilla car crusher then. "thumbsup"
Yoo' I got a course to buld all over again 4 this winter

There ~{WILL BE}~ a pretty good size'--> (( Indoor rock'-crawling course & a 4' x 30' REAL sand drag'-strip )) <-about to be coming together down in my basement later on this month'. That will surely be open to all,...to just come on over' & help me out with'. Or just bring ya' happy ass'es over to crawl apond,.."when I do get it all finish up" all by myself as I had to go about doing the last one that I had bilt for myself all last winter. And hey' brotha's,...for I could surely use your all's help with this HUGE project' this time around. As I go about building a whole new "R/c Rock-crawling course & also a 8"x4'x30' R/c sand'-dragstrip all Indoor's. So how about some of you brotha's that are not to far from me at all. Try,... your best at helping me out with this"Huge'- lowbudget'-project". And then we'd all have an totally awesome place to rock'-crawl and to sand'-drag race each other at. That's all indoor's and open to you all's at anytime or any day that best work out for you all's to come on over too. ___(And I'm 4 real about all this too fella's)___ And I'll just have it all to myself then,...if nobody ever would want to join in on all the fun that I'd be having after I had busted my ol'-sore -but- happy-ass at building,...ya' know's.. ~ol'Scoot'er~

I was just getting ready to get my shit together and join you guys. Doesn't look I will be doing much now. Good luck on the project.
If weather holds, is there any outdoor GTGs happening Friday the 27th (day after turkey day)?

I will be at the outlaws in NW Saginaw. Saturday is out. But Friday would work for a couple hours.
I could bring the 2.2 torsion and a 1.9 scaler along.