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Bay City or Tri Citys MI

Decided to do track maint today. Spent 5 hours filling in low spots, compacting, nailing down tubes. Then, ran a few laps. Boy what a hoot !!!

Thanks Mike for the help today, and for the extension cord donation !

Thanks Hook for donation of garden hose !

Track is ready for this Wednesday - starting at 11 am. Come on out !!
Memorial Day Massacre

I just got word.

Next run will be Memorial Day, Monday, May 25 at 11:00.

Prepare your vehicles for some more CARNAGE.

Hope to see you there !!
this is my new body that chris didhttp://s300.photobucket.com/albums/nn37/chris41377/?action=view&current=PICT0381.jpg thanks chris it was wroth the wait
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Hey any of you guy want to buy my rc crawler stuff. I have a 2.2 axial kit no motor or esc but has bent links and new proline tires. then I have a cliff climber that is only good for parts I tried to make it in to a 2.2 and make it longer but it didnt work. so now I have the axels motors to stock esc's two batterys 2.2 moab tires and wheel extenders. I want 300 for everything and if you pay 325 ill give you my charger too. their is more stuff to just cant think of it right now. let me know.
MiRCa and Twisted Crawlers still crawl. MiRCa is having a comp in Davisburg the 21st, come on out. We will be running 2.2 comp, 1.9 comp, and scale.

anyone have any info if SPI has got those 3 piece slash rims ready to sell? ive been wondering if they are good to go yet
Yoo Nick' Could ya see if Hook's got any Emaxx' part's

I'm, looking for all the shaft's that go thru the A-arm's and I'm, looking for the old Emaxx' one's still. I got just about two complete emaxx's now for me & the wife to run at your track'...but, I'm, still missing a few item's and would be greatfull if one of you brotha's could help me hunt down what all I still need to get my hand's on yet'...to finish up my wife's Emaxx' very soon. I've been making my indoor course alot of alot bigger' & it's getting HUGE and taking up all of my floorspace as well'. I'll be getting alot of new pic's this week taking and I'll try to get someone to help me post them up on here for you & bro' mike and the rest of you brotha's to see this 7 month old very low budget project as it is looking totally Awesome'these day's and I think i just about got it as big as I going to get it. It's about all i've been doing this whole month long. Is going out and getting more rock's & busted up concrete, and afew other thing's to add into it. Damm' I must of overhaul this damm indoor course about 15 time's. but, this past week I've finally got it lick' and I'm just happy to get it finish up and post up some great pic's of the over all space to which this monster is taking up and also how awesome it is as well'. You fella's are going to shit'...when you see this sucka'. And You all would be more then wellcome to come on down for a day and crawl the living shit' out of it as well'. Just give me a holla' and let me know what day and time and be good for ya's...For I can crawl 24/7 and anytime or day would be okey with me brotha's. -(( I hope to plan a -> Invite to all in the next few week's <- as I'll be wanting to have a GtG' at *Scoot'er's - place* )- For I've put just about everything I got into this old dream of mine as to having an Awesome course just as you have in your garage Nick'. And I hope that it will be enjoyed by alot of my R/C brotha's as well as myself. For I did'nt build this sucka' to just be crawling all by myself...neither. And just like your track out back the old saying go's__(( If you build it - They will come ))__Catch ya's later brotha's__ol'Scoot'er.