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any crawlers in MN?

Well, since the weathers been nice and the snow melting, I took the Hi-Lift out to play in the mud/water. It was a blast. But damn the clean up sucks :-(
I guess if you have to spend the time cleaning, might as well do some heavy wheeling, and I did. Went though some water about 4" deep with no problem, it was when I tried to get up on the ice ridge at the end of the water that I had a problem. Aww well, my shoes will dry ;-)
Nicklepimp said:
If your Hi Lift is supposed to be your rescue vehicle, who's gonna rescue the rescue vehicle?:lol:

A fix for that problem is on the way!!! ( or I'm hoping it works)
I was thinking the same thing. While the Hi-Lift is equipped with a winch to get itself unstuck, and the smaller trucks. It won't make for much of a rescue/chase truck if it can't pull out the Supers as well.
So...... I found this axle I had laying around from an old 1:18th Nylint.
I'm going to mount it in the bed of the Hi--Lift and use it as a Super Duty winch. Since the reels will be large enough, and the Hi-lift isn't all that capable, plus the Supers are pretty heavy I'm giong to use double pullys and have an extra long line so the Hi-Lift can do long range pull-outs.
Just a mock up pic. I'm going to make the mount so it's removelable.

Picture 30.jpg

Picture 31.jpg
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Inpromptu GTG 3-18-07

Not sure how many of you saw the post about Dieselfuel coming to Mpls from Vegas for a week of training for work?
He's bringing a crawler with, with hopes of doing some crawling.
So....... Dave, if you could check out Taylors and see if it's open yet? that would be great.
Anyone willing to gtg on Sun 3-18-07. Please post up here.
Lets show our Las Vegas visitor a good time "thumbsup"

I'm in "thumbsup"
I'll be pulling the bed off my pickup this weekend and changing out the fuel pump... Found out the pump was dead the day after I ripped out all of the wiring in the FJ40, as I got a new wiring harness for it. So I rewired the entire FJ in two days and drove it to work today, little chilly out side :)

Anyways bad timing, also if I do get the Fuel pump replaced on Saturday I already have plans for Sunday.... Full of excuses I am :flipoff:
Etype R said:
I'll be pulling the bed off my pickup this weekend and changing out the fuel pump... Found out the pump was dead the day after I ripped out all of the wiring in the FJ40, as I got a new wiring harness for it. So I rewired the entire FJ in two days and drove it to work today, little chilly out side :)

Anyways bad timing, also if I do get the Fuel pump replaced on Saturday I already have plans for Sunday.... Full of excuses I am :flipoff:

Excuses, excuses...:roll:
Etype R said:
Full of excuses I am

LOL you remind me of Yoda.

I migt be available. I will only have my super though. It will be the first time my new tires will see dirt. The 2.2 is under major reconstruction.

I'm actuily trying to find or make a different chassis. Any ideas? I have a thread in general grawlers.
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Taylors was still closed as of this afternoon............. also still alot of snow on the rocks that I could see from the road
speedsport22 said:
LOL you remind me of Yoda.

I migt be available. I will only have my super though. It will be the first time my new tires will see dirt. The 2.2 is under major reconstruction.

I'm actuily trying to find or make a different chassis. Any ideas? I have a thread in general grawlers.

The new Bender is coming out soon... that one looks pretty sweet. Otherwise, the XRC is pretty nice too.
Well... if Taylor's is closed, we need an alternate. Any ideas? How's Duluth? I know it snowed there the other day... Did it stick? I don't want to disapoint a guest.
Well.........after most of the winter not messing with my RC's much, the building bug has bitten again :lol:
I was in to Car Kings today, and ordered a new Spektrum DX7. I also picked up a new DSM module for my Super, as well as some parts to put the Bender Bug back together.
I'm planning on building a new 2.2 SW3 comp rig as soon as the SW3's are available. Brad said he'd try and get me One before comp season starts, so who knows? If not I'll be starting the season with the ol Bender Bug SW2, and switching over to the new rig hopefully shortly after the first comp or 2. I have a friend who will be competing with my SW2 as soon as it's replaced with the SW3, so we have yet another member to ad to our MNRCRC roster"thumbsup"

I also started on a project I'm calling "The Freetime Winching Services Truck"
A project using the Hi-Lift. This will be finished after my Trophy truck/basher F150 project. Then on to re-building the Bender Bug, a new comp 2.2, and then a dedicated mud/Spud truck comes after that. Then probably a ladder frame scaler :lol:
Time to get my hands busy.

On another note, I'm still up for some crawling/bashing gtg on Sun, we just need to figure out where????
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Nicklepimp said:
Well... if Taylor's is closed, we need an alternate. Any ideas? How's Duluth? I know it snowed there the other day... Did it stick? I don't want to disapoint a guest.

my sister goes to school in duluth and is home for spring break. she says that the snow probably will be gone by the time she gets back. duluth is still a 2 hour drive one way. that is 4 hours of driving in one day. like someone before mentioned, i think we should set up a weekend. i hope i can come to a crawling session soon. i have to find a time when one of my parents can drive me to one though. at these get togethers do you guys generaly keep the talk appropriate. i don't think i would be allowed to crawl if you do. like i have to make sure my parents don't ever see nicklepimp's avatar because they might throw a fit. i don't mind, but my parents won't allow me to crawl with you guys if you guys start talking in a perverted manner. i have no way to get to a crawling g2g without one of them driving me, and they will probably stick around because if they go home it's twice the distance to drive. please don't get upset with me, it isn't my fault they are like this, or that my dad wouldn't let me get my lisence when i turned 16.
My boss was just up in Superior today and they got snow yesterday, but I guess it melted today. They still have snow in wooded areas. That is what I was told.

I pm'd Dieselfuel about coming to MN. I thought maybe one day he could go to Jerry's. Not the biggest store, but the coolest one. Neat to see all of the old stuff and Jerry and Jr. always have some cool stuff they are working on (I spied a 2.2 tuber in the works).

Let me know if you guys go anywhere, I want to test my 2.2. Also getting stuff together for a scaler (just need a chassis) and need to work on my torsion super.

theTman said:
my sister goes to school in duluth and is home for spring break. she says that the snow probably will be gone by the time she gets back. duluth is still a 2 hour drive one way. that is 4 hours of driving in one day. like someone before mentioned, i think we should set up a weekend. i hope i can come to a crawling session soon. i have to find a time when one of my parents can drive me to one though. at these get togethers do you guys generaly keep the talk appropriate. i don't think i would be allowed to crawl if you do. like i have to make sure my parents don't ever see nicklepimp's avatar because they might throw a fit. i don't mind, but my parents won't allow me to crawl with you guys if you guys start talking in a perverted manner. i have no way to get to a crawling g2g without one of them driving me, and they will probably stick around because if they go home it's twice the distance to drive. please don't get upset with me, it isn't my fault they are like this, or that my dad wouldn't let me get my lisence when i turned 16.

Sounds like your parents have some strict "old school" morals/values "thumbsup"
To be honest, I wish a lot more parents did these days.
I doubt anyone here would be "upset" with you.
We're a good clean family fun group. The most you may hear is a wisecrack or some heckling once and a while. We crawl mostly in a State Park with alot of others around. Foul language wouldn't be tolerated.

P.S. Believe me, some day when you're much older, you'll be happy your dad had you wait to get that lisc. The most dangerous group on the road are like 16-20 yr olds. You'd be suprised how much you'll mature from 16-18.