I had a party in my pants and I think I made up for missing it.
sadly, that is everynight with yourself isn't it?:roll:
I had a party in my pants and I think I made up for missing it.
I was gonna say the same thing Ben, I got the videos on a disc for you also plus the pics I took. I'm hoping to be able to get a break from work and mail them out to you and grizzly.
I had a party in my pants and I think I made up for missing it.
Not much of a party, was it?
maybe a search party?
That's funny right there
I got my T-shirt in yesterday. I'm wearing it today.
I got my T-shirt in yesterday. I'm wearing it today.
No it was date night he had to have something that wasn't dirty and had holes in it.
Oh wait that is gonna be his church shirt too.
No it was date night he had to have something that wasn't dirty and had holes in it.
Oh wait that is gonna be his church shirt too.
yes, I got a DVD from the tv station, just have to figure out how to upload it on you tube or google.8)
The thread that never dies!:lol:
GOOD TIMES BEN! Thanks too much!