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A Resto-Mod Saga by Crunky


I wanna be Dave
Subscribed Member
Aug 18, 2008
cape crud... will you be my friend
( this build thread is going to resemble more of a snapshot from social media than a traditional build thread i might have done in 08 )

Hello RCC, it's your boy Crunky... and I'm back with another build thread for you to skip through and look at pictures while you're supposed to be busy at work, cleaning the garage or while you're just plain ignoring the family. You may remember my old build threads, and the dolls but thanks to several media hosting sites taking a dump throughout the years my pics are all gone and I'm now left with broken links.... that's what i get for not hosting them at RCC.
Anywho, I've always been a fan of taking something that was halfway cool and destroying it... well... kinda. I'm not that great of a thinker and living with a head injury really is kinda fun if you just let your mind wander.
In 2015 I got a serious eye injury that caused swelling on my brain and forced me to have a slight stroke... always wear your eye protection kids. I had safety glasses on and they got foggy so I lifted them for one second to let me eyes get some air and bang.... I now taste colors.
So needless to say I gravitate towards revamping ideas and designs more than sitting with a blank canvas.
That's how I got back here.
Soooooo, in my newfound lust for life I've shifted back to working with my hands to keep my eyes and mind in sync. My brother picked up a trail truck and instantly I fell back in love. I had to have one, or five. Again i digress, did I mention I'm a scatter brain ?

Let's get to the meat and potatoes here.
Years ago I built a Clod bodied scaler set on an Outback chassis with high lift axles. Built in 2008, sold in 2013, and I regretted it the day I mailed it out. I tried to contact the buyer through the years with no avail. Laying at home recovering from having my guts sewn back in ( inguinal hernia ) and I get an email randomly from the guy I sold the truck to... he finally saw all my emails I had sent over the years and couldn't believe I wanted it back. The gentleman I sold it to had been away from the scale scene for years and the truck was collecting dust. He made arrangements to mail it back to me with an added bonus in the box he said....
Imagine, UPS shows up and I can't even lift a foot let alone this box sitting on my deck that just about 3 feet by 3 feet square. What's in it ?


Not only did he mail me my beloved Chevy, but he mailed me a free trailfinder !!!! Yes, this results in a speedy recovery and restores my faith in the humpty dance.... I mean humanity.
Ok, ok... you guys want pics and a build sheet.



TF2 kit with 2 speed
RC4WD Yota 2 axles
Cchand flatbed kit
A&M garage front shackle reversal kit
A&M high clearance skid plate
Bowhouse RC rear shackle relocation kit
Gelande shock hoops
RC4WD 90mm scale shocks
Changquish 1.9 bead locks
Nottsix Voodoo tires
Tamiya leaf springs
RC4WD Marlin front bumper
RC4WD 8274 winch
RC4WD Mojave interior
RC4WD inner fenders
Tamiya Wild Willy driver
SSD scale hubs
Holmes BRXL esc
Holmes Crawlmaster expert 13T
Hitec shift and steering servos
Spektrum radio and receiver

I've got lots of pics to upload, most of them are redundant so I'll just smash a few as I dream. Stick around while I resize my room and desk in accordance to the bylaws set forth here by the gods of RCC. I think it's easier to shrink my workspace than it is to try and resize a whole folder of pictures.
Thanks for sticking with me !!!!
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Awesome, looking forward to your rebuild, I just dusted off both of my TF2s yesterday lol, started tinkering around with them "thumbsup"
Awesome, looking forward to your rebuild, I just dusted off both of my TF2s yesterday lol, started tinkering around with them "thumbsup"
They're actually a pretty cool truck. Surprisingly the old Outback chassis from RPP hobby much of the same dimensions, more on that another time.

Seeing how I got this for a low price I figured it wouldn't sting as much if I started ordering things by accident. Also I guess there's no worrying about hosing anything because I'm starting at zero.
I goes into it full bowl, I mean full blast...


Didn't take long before I was looking at pretty much nothing lmao.


I dig around on the forums a bunch. I draw ideas here and there, I copy those impressions into my temporary folder in my head and I'll get flashbacks now and then, pretty cool. I scored a bunch of used/ not used stuff from the for sale section here at RCC, so if something looks familiar thanks for the deal !!
I stripped the chassis and added the Bowhouse rear shackle relocation kit.




I also took the time to add the front shackle relocation kit and the high clearance belly kit from A&M garage...





Let's talk about that shackle kit. I got an early kit from RCC sale, it went in nicely but I had to do a little moddie-pie to it. I've seen the newer kits have these little brass spacers to make up for the recessed area where the inner mount bolts up. I didn't have that option so I hacked into it.




I'm not sure if that's how it's supposed to go, but in my book it reads A for effort. Guess there's no wrong way.

Thanks for lurking, stay tuned !!!
Sweet, 69 views and 1 comment... must mean I'm not friggin anything up yet.




Found a member here that has the same bed on his rig...

Think i want mine very similar but maybe gray ? With the magic of camera art i bring you my truck completed... done !!

Too easy.
Thanks for looking, be safe out there.
Nowadays you don't seem to get many comments, especially on the older stuff, if you're building a new kit that's where everyone seems to gather and comment, I am way behind the times as well lol, I just started my HPI SBK which came out a year or two ago. I don't really worry about comments in fact I haven't even posted anything about it yet, probably just wait until it's done then do a build thread highlighting the mods and changes. Keep up the good work and pics, I'm watching, I've got two of these and always come back to them every couple of weeks."thumbsup"
Nowadays you don't seem to get many comments, especially on the older stuff, if you're building a new kit that's where everyone seems to gather and comment, I am way behind the times as well lol, I just started my HPI SBK which came out a year or two ago. I don't really worry about comments in fact I haven't even posted anything about it yet, probably just wait until it's done then do a build thread highlighting the mods and changes. Keep up the good work and pics, I'm watching, I've got two of these and always come back to them every couple of weeks."thumbsup"
It's ok, I'm guilty of it myself. There's a ton of great build threads I've read here and rarely do I comment. It was like this way back when, unless you used dolls and animated your builds most people scan for pics and look for giveaways.

Like I noted, if they're not calling you out... they like it lmao.
Seeing how the battery box will now be in the bed of the truck I can wire everything up and tuck it all under the cab. I'll have to come up with a routing plan for lights later.



I'll be back !
In 2015 I got a serious eye injury that caused swelling on my brain and forced me to have a slight stroke... always wear your eye protection kids. I had safety glasses on and they got foggy so I lifted them for one second to let me eyes get some air and bang.... I now taste colors.

:shock: Holy ****! I'm glad you're still with us! "thumbsup"

Taste colors? Is that a joke or do you really have odd taste now?

Anyway, I love this Chevy. It looks awesome. That's a TF2 as well?

And very cool of the guy to include a free truck. Is he a member on here?
:shock: Holy ****! I'm glad you're still with us! "thumbsup"

Taste colors? Is that a joke or do you really have odd taste now?

Anyway, I love this Chevy. It looks awesome. That's a TF2 as well?

And very cool of the guy to include a free truck. Is he a member on here?
Yea man, got kinda lucky. The taste colors thing is just a metaphor. He was a member here in 2010 then faded away with life and the obstacle course.

The truck I'm building in this thread is a yota. In fact I'm building two at once... one for my brother.

The Chevy will possibly get it's own thread shortly.
The truck came along with a wicked scale interior...


So, to pass time i decided I needed to elaborate just a tiny bit. I ordered the RC4WD Mojave interior and went to work.




Not bad for my first modelling experience, I actually built two at once because my brother needed one.

Next time I'm building an axial... lmao.
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Driver or not, well I figured why not ? Someone had a really cool tamiya Wild Willy build thread that made me want one. So I started with the driver. I know there's boat loads of driver options out there but I wanted to try this mod.
After some torturing with a candle the driver decided to stay put and I'm happy now. Hand painted with crappy acrylic testors paint.







Thanks for looking !!!!
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Any monkey can put a kit together nowadays, but "building" a rig takes skill! Great entertainment!
Any monkey can put a kit together nowadays, but "building" a rig takes skill! Great entertainment!
All we can do is try lmao. Thanks !!!

Had to modify one of the chassis braces because i liked the look of. This was originally more towards the middle of the bed.

Then instead of running the flat aluminium panels, I wanted to make more diamond plate and color match the tube work.

Adding the nice diamond plate yummy stuff.




Thanks for looking !
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This is how more parts get sold lol, I ordered stuff for my HPI SBK the other day but had to order TF2 parts too. good work in building and keeping the economy going [emoji106]

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
This is how more parts get sold lol, I ordered stuff for my HPI SBK the other day but had to order TF2 parts too. good work in building and keeping the economy going [emoji106]

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
Yea man, an addiction don't shut down [emoji106]


Then I realized my truck didn't have the fuel cell that came standard with the kit. I'm mounting my electronics under the interior but I was looking for a place to hide my LED wiring crap...
Styrene solved.





Thanks for the views !!!
More pics for the pic eaters...


Few outdoor poser shots....







I didn't document adding the inner fenders from rc4wd, but they're in there. I've got scale goodies to add, replace the winch fair lead and wire it up proper. All in all it was a fun build that kept me busy during shutdown.

Thanks for looking !!!
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