Rock Crawler
I've checked some of the bigger distributers like Rpp and they need 30 to 90 days notice.
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I've talked it up on my snitch book groups I'm in. You would think getting Tulsa people hyped up would be easy ! Oh no it's not. Going to try and chat it up with hobby town in Tulsa. Would be good for them to sponcer local events!
still working on getting more people to come out and play with toy trucks......and I still need to get my class 2 ticket .......gonna run my class 1 with bigger tires :mrgreen:
I've been staring at my tf2 for two months now. Just have to finish wireing it up. I suck so much at wireing and sodering. Trying to bribe Poprivit to come over and help. Free food and $
The Comanche is getting some SSD parts. I am planning to have a great time ! Win loose or Dnf it's going to be a blast!
Why do I need to cry?
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Fun is goal number one!!! Finishing ahead of Sam and Lucky is goal number two :lmao: Oh, and making Scaler44 cry is a top priority too.
In all seriousness, I have never not had fun while playing with my toy's and hanging with like minded people. I don't run high dollar fancy rigs and my skills are not the best, but my smile will be the biggest "thumbsup" but I'm still whoopin Vipers ass :mrgreen: