Thanks.I'm just asking im on pa.And have a few scalers and a wraith.And want to get back into rc.So the tire ban goes for class 3 rigs too or just scaler.Might stop up and watch these
Last year, much of Class 2 and Class 3 courses were in the river.It's been a very dry summer overall, so whats the predictions on the amount of water that's going to be there? I haven't been so have no idea, and I hate waterproofing and driving in water...! Haha
Before Booking a Car Rental ....figure we check to see if anyone else would want to share on a car rental or pick us up on their way for Thursday and going back on Monday? We arrive at 11:30am on Thursday and leave Monday..."thumbsup"
First gotta build a new bumper to hold said winch...maybe...LOL
I think you are the man of the hour....... well.... MONTH!
You sir. Are officially awesome!!